5 Benefits Of Face Yoga And How To Do It

YOGYAKARTA Have you heard facial yoga? As the name suggests, the yoga movement is focused on the face area for health. Then what are the benefits of facial yoga?

As is known, yoga is a sport that is done with a combination of body movements as well as mind. yoga exercise is done to improve health by doing physical activities, training breathing, relaxing, to meditation.

In its development, yoga has many movements that focus on certain parts, one of which is the facial part.

Quoted from AI Care, facial yoga is a sports movement that moves muscles in the face area. In general, this type of yoga movement is carried out so that blood circulation in the face area and tightening loose muscles. Some of the benefits that can be obtained from facial yoga are as follows.

On the Everyday Health website, it is stated that there is research published by JAMA Dermatology. It states that the perpetrators of facial exercises with a duration of 30 minutes per day for 8 weeks, then continued with 12 weeks later it will have an impact on thickening the cheek muscles. The effect to be obtained is a face that looks young.

Similar, yoga expert, Parmita Katkar, reported by Mind Body Green explained that practicing yoga regularly correctly is indeed able to tighten facial skin.

In general, yoga does reduce stress levels. This is also what will be obtained by someone who does facial yoga. Especially when stress occurs muscle stiffness in the head area. To relax it, facial yoga can be a way out.

Aging is inevitable, but facial yoga can slow it down. As is known, aging occurs because many factors, one of which is inhibition in the brain. Face yoga helps oxygen to the brain so that premature aging can be inhibited.

Relaxation on the face can be achieved with facial yoga. Facial relaxation is very much needed, especially by workers who require them to smile all day.

Yoga faces also help mimic the cheeks due to burning fat in the cheek area and its surroundings on condition that facial yoga is done correctly and regularly.

Face yoga is widely liked because it can be done anytime and anywhere. In addition, the movement is also easy and does not require additional tools. Some facial yoga movements that can be tried are as follows.

The way to do The Cheek Lifter is to open the mouth resembling the letter O. After that place the index finger on the cheek and then push the cheek muscle to the top until it is close to the eye, then lower it down. This movement is repeated 10 times. In the last count movement, the cheek muscle is resistant for 20 seconds.

This facial yoga method is by smiling as wide as possible but not showing teeth. Then put two index fingers on the tip of the lip and then pull the facial muscles up to the cheekbones. Hold this movement for up to 20 seconds.

The trick is to put the index, middle, and sweet fingers under the eyebrows, then push them up until the eyes open with the smile on the lips. Then close your eyes and move your eyes with a rotating motion.

That's information regarding the benefits of facial yoga. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.