At The Trial, Ammar Zoni Claimed To Use Drugs In Thailand To Lose Weight
JAKARTA - In the follow-up trial of the drug abuse case that took place at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) today, Thursday, August 24, Ammar Zoni admitted that he used methamphetamine and marijuana.
To the panel of judges, Irish Bella's husband admitted that the last time he consumed methamphetamine and marijuana in Thailand in early March, a week before he was secured by the police.
"In Thailand a week ago (before the arrest), March 1 or 2," said Ammar Zoni in the South Jakarta District Court courtroom, Thursday, August 24.
Abdullah Emile Oemar Alamudy as attorney, after the trial confirmed his client's confession. However, he said that Ammar was not only to Thailand to consume drugs, but for business purposes.
"In the BAP, it has been stated that in terms of business to Thailand, I read in the BAP, the file given by the prosecutor. So, he and his colleagues from Singapore if I'm not mistaken," Abdullah said.
The attorney did not know for sure whether what his client had done was intentional, saying what his client was doing was legal in Thailand.
"If it is intentional to not know, what is clear is that it is legal there, it means it does not violate the law there. If in Indonesia it is illegal, if it is legal there, it means it can be used," Abdullah said.
"I'm not talking about smoking marijuana or bringing methamphetamine, but in that country marijuana is allowed, as far as I know," he continued.
It was also confirmed by his attorney that Ammar Zoni consumed drugs to lose weight. The father of two admitted that he received this information from the results of his search on the internet.
"What is clear is that he wants to be thin immediately. At the trial it has also been conveyed, that the target he wants to be thin immediately. Earlier I asked him, the information got from the internet," Abdullah said.
However, Abdullah saw that what Ammar Zoni had done still violated religious norms. He also tried to believe that his client would no longer deal with the illicit goods.
"Indeed, from a religious point of view it is still haram. From the start I held this power of attorney, I gave conditions to Ammar, the witness was his sister, I said at that time, 'Ammar, I held your case, but you really promised to stop, I didn't repeat it again'," said Abdullah Emile Oemar Ammudy, Ammar Zoni's attorney.
"At first I rejected this case, but because Ammar promised and cried to me, and there was also pressure from my family, I think the family supports it," he concluded.