The National Police Chief Calls The Increase In ASN Salaries Proof That Indonesia's Economy Is Increasing

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the government's decision to propose an increase in the salaries of the state civil apparatus, the TNI and Polri in 2024 is proof that Indonesia's economic condition is increasing compared to other countries.

"If we look at other countries where there is currently a tendency for many to become a failed country, in Indonesia we see that the budget for expenditure increases and even salaries and retirees get an increase," said Sigit during a press conference on the Financial Note and Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBN) 2024 in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 16.

The National Police Chief thanked the government for proposing an 8 percent salary increase to ASN, TNI and Polri starting in 2024.

Regarding the amount of salary increases, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is of the opinion that everyone has their own ideal standards so that they cannot be equated with each other.

"If asked ideally, each of them must have a size, but we represent the National Police institution, of course, thank you for the increase in salaries given by the government," he said.

According to Sigit, the increase in salary is encouraging because it was announced directly by President Joko Widodo. Usually, in the process of getting an increase in the budget, the National Police first proposes to the Minister of Finance.

The request for an increase in the budget, he said, was because the National Police had to maintain security and maintain public order, especially when facing general elections.

"Of course, related to support to maintain harkamtibmas, operational budget support activities that may sometimes be in the middle of the road or in certain situations we will experience difficulties. Maybe on this occasion we will usually submit to the Minister of Finance to ask for additional (budget)," he said.

"For us it has been very good, but thank you for the increase in salaries given to us," said Sigit.

Previously, President Joko Widodo said that the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) proposed an 8 percent increase in salaries for the central and regional civil servants, TNI, and Polri.

"RAPBN 2024 proposes to improve income in the form of salary increases for central and regional ASN, TNI, Polri by 8 percent and an increase for retirees by 12 percent," said President Joko Widodo in a speech delivering the State Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2024 and Financial Notes at the DPR Plenary Meeting for Session 2023-2024.

President Jokowi said that in order for the implementation of the transformation to be effective, bureaucratic reform must continue to be strengthened. Through these bureaucratic reforms, it is hoped that it can create an efficient, competent, professional, and integrity central and regional bureaucracy.

The implementation of reform, he continued, must be carried out consistently and successfully. The increase in salaries, his message, must be followed by increased performance and productivity.