DKI Jakarta Highways Agency Cut 52 Air Cable Utilities In Menteng Area

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Office has brought down a number of aerial cables in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta. The control this time was carried out at two location points, namely Yusuf Adiwinata Street and Theresia Church Street, Menteng.

The control of air cable utilities was carried out by Bina Marga officers using two skywalkers and cable disconnection equipment.

Two officers in one of the cars were seen starting the operation by cutting cables at the red light intersection towards Yusuf Adiwinata Street and Theresia Church Street.

The impact of working on cable cuts, traffic flow becomes stalled, causing congestion.

Head of the Sub-Group for Maintenance for Facilities and Infrastructure of the City of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency, Ahmad Sapi'i, said 52 aerial cables were cut off. This disconnection was witnessed directly by the owners of the aerial cables.

"The disconnection of this cable is in order to relocate the transfer of cables to the ground," he said.

In addition to cutting the aerial cables, the DKI Jakarta Bina Marga Office also removed the aerial cable poles. This was done after a number of victims were caused by theinerant cables.

"That's enough, we continue to do this in stages to take precautions," he said.