Denying Allegations Of Charges Of IDR 27 Million, Nagan Raya Police Chief Affirms No Illegal Mining Bekingi Police

NAGAN RAYA - Nagan Raya Police Chief AKBP Rudi Saeful Hadi said no police officers in his area were involved and participated in tracking illegal mines in the area.

"No one of my members is backing up illegal mines, the information circulating is not true, that's hoax information," said AKBP Rudi Saeful Hadi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 4.

The police chief also denied allegations that there were illegal levies of Rp. 27 million per month allegedly committed by police officers.

His party has also conducted a direct review of the allegedly illegal mine site in Beutong District, Nagan Raya Regency, as has been some of the news in cyber media.

"If there is an illegal mine, then we will take firm action," said AKBP Rudi Saeful Hadi added.

So far, he said, the Nagan Raya Aceh Police have been aggressively urging the public not to carry out illegal mining, and not to carry out illegal logging activities in their jurisdiction.

The purpose of the appeal is as an effort by the police to preserve nature, and prevent natural disasters such as landslides and flash floods.

"Even if there are residents who carry out illegal mining, we will take firm action indiscriminately," he said.

In order to stop illegal mining activities, his party will increase socialization to the public by posting banners containing appeals, and conducting socialization directly to the public.