Is It True That Nanas Consumption Affects Miss V's Aroma? Here's An Expert Explanation

YOGYAKARTA The food consumed does affect the condition of the body. But for this one, it is necessary to pay close attention, that is it true that the smell of Miss V will change?

Naturally, each vagina has a unique aroma and many factors that affect it. Obviously, certified gynecologist Monica Grover, DO., what is normal' for one person is not necessarily normal for others.

"People are fascinated by the topic of pineapple eating to change their vagina because we tend to be too self-aware about how we smell and feel during sex," said sexologist Rebecca Alvarez Story.

Certain elements of lifestyle, including what you eat, can affect the taste and smell in the vagina by changing the pH. In turn, pH supports healthy bacterial growth. If pH is abnormal, bacteria can grow excessively.

Another factor that affects the scent of Miss V, among others, sexual fluids, exposure to detergents and lubricants, sexually transmitted infections, and hydration status, explains sexual health expert Christie kiosk, MD. Wearing feminine soap also affects the production of sweat and discharge of fluids. Given all this, it makes sense to eat pineapple, which is quite acidic, can affect vaginal pH and therefore affect the taste and smell.

However, adding more pineapple to your diet is not a panacea for a vagina that smells or gets a sweeter taste. This is because everyone has their own physiology, even two people who have exactly the same pH do not have the same [vagina] flavor," explained doctor Grover.

That's why the variety of foods rich in fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods is generally related to a healthy Miss V. If you go on a strict diet to the point of lack of nutrients, the bacteria are no longer balanced and may also change the body's aroma.

Experts do not guarantee that pineapple can change the vaginal scent to a sweeter one. There is no special research between eating pineapple and having a vagina that tastes good. But research supports that fermented pineapple juice can help support the growth of healthy bacteria in the vagina, such as drinking yogurt or kombucha, according to obstetric-gynecologist Amy Rokin, MD., JD.

By eating healthy foods and supporting the growth of healthy bacteria, it can prevent the vagina from emitting a stronger smell than usual. Sexologist Jess O'Element, Ph.D. added, people who eat a lot of sweet fruits, vegetables, and spices can increase the sweet taste of vaginal fluids and ejaculation. But if specifically, pineapple, the effect may be anecdotes.

Experts also argue that cigarettes, caffeine, and processed foods can produce a more bitter vaginal taste. In men, because the liquid is more baselined, by consuming foods such as fructose and glucose sources as in pineapple, it makes it taste a little more acidic.

In addition to being considered able to change the aroma of Miss V, it is also shown its overall health benefits. Such as fighting inflammation, increasing tissue healing, and improving the immune system. Not to mention, pineapple also consists of between 85 and 89 percent of water, so it remains hydrated as well as important to increase vaginal natural lubrication. The more vaginal lubricated, the more dilute the secret, and the more likely it can reduce the smell.