From Psychic To Physical, These Are 4 Stages And Characteristics Of Women's Pubertas
JAKARTA - Undergoing trying times can be very confusing for both teenagers who live it, as well as parents as companions. The number of changes that occur makes it difficult for many teenagers to adjust.
As parents, understanding the stages ofipation in girls is the key in supporting them. For this reason, let's learn stages ofnicity and how to overcome problems that arise such as the first menstruation, acne, and body image.
Girls experience menstruation at a younger age than boys. And every girl has a different solemnity time. Reporting from Very Well Family, Tuesday, July 18, it usually starts at the age of 8 years, but some are Puber earlier and slower.
Physical changes experienced ranging from the development of the breast, growth of pubic hair, and menstruation. In addition, it is also followed by an increase in height, a smaller hip, and a smaller waist.
The biggest change in height that will be experienced usually occurs between the time a bust begins and about 6 months before the first period. After that, growth began to slow down. Most women only grow about 1 to 2 inches after their first period.
At least, there are five stages ofipation that are usually experienced by girls. These stages are in the form of;
breast development
Usually, breast development begins between the ages of 8 and 13 years. By the time the child reaches the age of 17 or 18 years, the breasts usually have grown perfectly. However, in some cases, the breasts can continue to grow until the early 20s.
The first sign of breast development is swelling in the tornado area. This nickel-sized lump is often called breast buds. The texture is soft and grows unevenly, with one side growing faster than the other.
Over time, this growth difference will be even. But many adults find that their breast size is different and this is normal. When the breasts grow, itching and pain can be experienced because the skin starts to stretch. Duringlisting, the breasts will form more round and full. The area around the nipples becomes darker and bigger. Puting may also start to stand out more.
development of pubic hair
During menstruation, rougher hair will begin to grow in the genital area and under the arms and on the feet. About 15 percent of girls experienceabilities in the form of the appearance of pubic hair while the rest is characterized by breast growth.
Some women will also experience clear or white white whiteness in small to moderate amounts about 6 to 12 months before the first period. This whiteness is normal and is a response to an increase in the number of estrogens in the body.
menstrual cycle
The average age of the first menstrual cycle is 12 years and can occur sooner or later. When breast buds begin to develop, it is important for parents, especially mothers, to help teenagers prepare for menstruation.
The first menstruation may not be predictable and has the potential to be irregular during the first few years because physiological changes are still ongoing. The menstrual cycle can occur every 21 or 35 days.
body change
During menstruation, hormones also change. These fluctuations can cause emotional changes and acne development. If acne cannot be controlled by cleaning and drugs that are sold freely, make an appointment with a dermatologist.
In addition, children also experience sweat under the armpits and increase body odor. For this reason, most girls start using deodorants duringlisture. Because the body produces more oil and sweat, children also need to clean themselves more frequently.
It is important for teenagers to take care of their own bodies. For this reason, parents need to teach their children to clean their bodies. Avoid embarrassing or commenting negatively on the hygiene habits of the child. Instead, encourage to be proactive in terms of self-care.