Safe Distance Tower BTS With Home: Here's An Explanation According To The SOP

YOGYAKARTA - Base Transceiver Station or abbreviated as BTS is a telecommunication infrastructure that facilitates wireless communication between communication devices and operator networks. Not only having a manfa "at, there is a bad impact from the installation of this BTS tower. That's why residents must understand about the safe distance of BTS towers with houses.

The telecommunications transmitter tower has become a side of modern urban planning. Its high-rise building, needs a special place, consisting of iron poles and a series of electrical equipment, so it is a factor for residents to be afraid of the dangers it might cause.

Moreover, the danger of mobile towers near homes that each time they can collapse is one of the problems in the establishment of telecommunications transmitter towers.

Although the rental price of the BTS tower is quite expensive, it does not make residents want to rent their place to build a telecommunications transmitter tower.

Based on the survey and evaluation carried out in some areas, it shows the fact that there are many rejections to the project of establishing a special mobile transmitter tower in some areas of society.

This is due to anxiety over the dangers of telecommunications transmitter towers from various thoughts, such as if towers or telecommunication towers can emit radiation waves, so one of the factors for anemia, the risk of being struck by lightning or collapsing causes loss of property, let alone life.

Anxiety over the impressions of telecommunications transmitter radiation is not completely blamed, although not entirely true. There are some special aspects that need to be packed with owners projects to meet the requirements for the establishment of telecommunication towers.

Evidence, theory, and elaboration regarding various opportunities for effects and hazards of telecommunication towers need to be explained so as not to cause anxiety. For example, hitting the impressions of telecommunications transmitter towers can cause anemia due to radiation rays from electromagnetic waves released by telecommunication tower transmitters, namely things that are not right.

The safe distance between BTS towers and houses can be understood by controlling the requirements for the establishment of the telecommunications tower.

The requirements for establishing a telecommunications transmitter tower are made to protect residents, including from the dangers of tower radiation in life every day.

The requirements for the establishment of the tower have been determined for the conditions that run in Indonesia. The magnitude of the BTS tower installed in one area must meet certain requirements. The height required has a goal so that it is easy to accept and send a signal of news. The height has a purpose for possible security reasons from the tower of the tower to collapse if it is hit by wind. The establishment of the BTS tower above the building or rooftop must also meet the provisions.

The distance between BTS towers and community settlements is required to meet the safe distance of BTS towers with houses, which is a minimum of around 20 mtr. The distance between BTS towers and community settlements is aimed at minimizing the dangers of mobile towers near home and the impact of radiation that opportunities can have an impact on human health.

Although studies were found when the radiation released by the BTS tower was really small, it would be better if we could minimize radiation opportunities.

When it is about to make a tower, a survey will be carried out to obtain a position with suitable coordinates, the condition of the place and the status of the place. If the tower of the tower is made on the building, it is obligatory to pay attention to the expertise of the foundation of the building.

In order to build a BTS tower on top of the building, it is mandatory to obtain permission from around it. Generally, permits must be obtained at a distance of 100 mtr. from the tower construction position. The building owner will get a BTS tower rental price that is in accordance with the approval.

The tower foundation of the tower made on top of the building must be completely sturdy and equated with the condition of the building. So that the tower foundation can be stronger, it can be given a cast of cast and steel. The tower's foundation will usually be tested for its capabilities first before the tower is installed.

The foundation must be really sturdy to reduce the tower load of the tower to avoid tower collapse. If the tower collapsed and hit the building, it was mandatory for service suppliers and tower contractors to pay compensation.

BTS removes radio frequency from electromagnetic waves made of various mobile telecommunications devices, either from the BTS tower or the mobile phone device used. As well as the beam or radiation of Telkomsel towers or others that are relatively comfortable for human health.

The magnitude of the BTS tower also helps with signal propagation and reduces the ability of radiation rays that can be human-related. The amount of radiation made is still at the bottom of the standard level decided by the World Health Organization and other world certification institutions.

So after knowing the safe distance of the BTS tower with the house, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!