The Karaoke VIP Class KTV Room Caught Fire, Officers Had Difficulty Putting Out The Fire

TANJUNGPINANG - Firefighters or firefighters had difficulty extinguishing the fire in the karaoke room of the Clasax KTV & Pub nightclub on Jalan Pos, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands (Kepri).

"The location of the incident in the sixth floor building, while access to there only uses one ladder, is enough to make it difficult for firefighters to move space," said Head of the Tanjungpinang Fire and Rescue Service (DPKP), Agustiawarman, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.

In addition, he said, the fire suppression was also hampered by a small supply of water in the building, so officers had to distribute water from fire engines by connecting pipes from the ground floor to the sixth floor.

Officers when extinguishing the fire were also forced to wear breathing apparatus, because the smoke forming a thick clump could not get out of the burning karaoke room

"If the breathing apparatus is not assisted, the firefighters can be short of breath affected by thick smoke," he said.

His party received reports of a fire incident from the Clasax manager at around 08.45 WIB, Tuesday (6/6). After that, the team deployed three units of firefighters and dozens of personnel to the field to extinguish the fire.

The fire that hit the VIP karaoke room caused all the properties in it to be burned by the red rooster. While the other room was only affected by smoke.

When the hotspots appeared, he continued, the Clasax management had tried to extinguish the fire with an apparatus or a portable fire extinguisher, but the fire conditions became increasingly out of control so they called the Tanjungpinang DPKP office. Firefighters managed to extinguish the fire for about 30 minutes.

"It is suspected that this temporary fire was caused by an electrical short," said Agustiawarman.