6 Reasons Why It's Not Good To Ignore Feelings And Emotions

YOGYAKARTA Feelings and emotions cannot be ignored because they are integral to life. Feelings are self-expressions that are useful in terms of motivation, awareness, and decision making.

A person often ignores his emotional side because it is considered irrelevant and burdensome. But emotions are the core of the self that helps you to know and trust yourself, be motivated, and help you find meaning in life experiences. Here's the reason why it's not good to ignore feelings and need to realize the feelings you feel.

When asking yourself what do I feel?, this puts you in the current situation or present. By being in the current situation, you are oriented towards what is happening in you and around you so you are not isolated.

By putting yourself in the current situation, you direct attention to what you feel. This awareness helps the brain connect with the body. This process also allows into the inner world and identifies what you need.

When you pay attention to feelings, you will find what you like and don't like. This helps you guide making decisions that are in harmony with yourself. That way, you won't really care about what other people think.

Not understanding feelings, it turns out that makes a person doubt themselves. This also makes you not respect emotions. Self-confidence, prone to anxiety with the opinions of others. That is, if you really recognize the feelings you feel, then know what is best for yourself.

When you suppress feelings, make it easier for other individuals to connect and know what really happened. So the reason why it is necessary to pay attention and recognize feelings, to be easier to connect with other people. In addition, paying attention to feelings also helps set boundaries with other people.

Out of control emotions often make a mess. Instead of solving the problem, it will actually confuse the atmosphere. The more you try to feel, process emotions, and find out what to do next, the more in control of emotions. Without this awareness, emotions may be difficult to regulate and even harm you.

Emotions are energy in oneself. For example, if you are angry for a moment then encourage you to take certain actions. This is because feelings are a very helpful self-expression if you can be recognized. By realizing and recognizing it, it will guide and motivate you to do something positively.

Emotional health is directly related to physical health. Research reported by Psychology Today, Friday, April 28, suppresses feelings that can cause muscle tension, sleep disorders, heart disease, hypertension, overeating or don't like eating, and various other physical problems. Therefore, the reason you shouldn't suppress your feelings is to maintain your physical health.

By paying attention or not ignoring feelings and emotions, it can also heal emotional wounds as a child. The results, according to licensed psychologist Jonice Webb, Ph.D., are able to make a big difference in your life.