Lawyer Requests Suspension Of Detention For Ferry Irawan, Here's The Reason

JAKARTA - Jeffry Situmorang as Ferry Irawan's attorney stated that the domestic violence file reported by Venna Melinda was returned by the East Java High Prosecutor's Office to East Java Police investigators because it was P19 or incomplete.

He criticizes Venna Melinda, who had so far stated that the file was P21. Yet according to his confession, the file is not complete.

"What I need to say, all this time it has been touted that the files will be P21. I want to say this, today I have heard that the files have been returned to investigators and declared P19 with instructions," said Jeffry Simatupang in Surabaya, East Java on Friday, March 3, 2023.

Jeffry also requested that the East Java Regional Police be willing to release Ferry Irawan from the custody of the East Java Regional Police Headquarters. According to him, Ferry Irawan can still undergo legal proceedings even though he is not in detention.

"Therefore, we ask the honorable Mr. Police Chief, Mrs. Prosecutor to postpone Mrs. Ferry's detention. Moreover, the file has been declared P19, the file is declared incomplete," he said.

He hopes that the authorities will follow up on this case so that it can proceed as fairly as possible without taking sides. "That's why Mr. Ferry Irawan is immediately dismissed and suspended as soon as possible. In order for this legal process to run properly, don't just come from one side, resulting in Mr. Ferry being detained," said Jeffry.

Ferry Irawan's attorney also spoke about public opinion which, according to him, was too big to have the potential to influence the legal process. He requested that the law for Ferry Irawan be upheld in accordance with Article 44 paragraph 4 of Law No. 23 of 2004.

"Public opinion is too big, don't let the law lose because of public opinion. The law must be stronger than public opinion. So I ask Mr. Ferry to be suspended immediately and Article 44 paragraph 4 can be applied in the alleged crime that is being experienced by Mr. Ferry," concluded Jeffry Simatupang, Ferry Irawan's attorney.