Mario Dandy's Family Still Trying To Meet David's Family

JAKARTA – It seems that David Ozora's family is still holding on to their commitment to close communication with Mario Dandy Satrio's family. Because, until today, Monday, February 27, Mario Dandy's family has tried several times to meet David's family, but to no avail.

Indeed, previously it was announced that David's family had closed communication with Mario Dandy's family. This was said directly by David's family attorney, Syahwan Arey.

"We closed that communication," said Syahwan during an interview, last Friday, February 24.

Previously, Mario Dandy's father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, had come to David's parents to apologize and ask for peace. But in fact, even though David's family has forgiven, the legal process continues.

Even David's family refused the offer from Mario Dandy's family who wanted to cover all medical expenses. But still, the offer was rejected by David's family.

"As for compensation, I'm sorry, I never thought of that. The victim's family does not give opportunities for small things like that," Shawan said.

And this time Mario Dandy's attorney, Dolfie Rompas, who also represents Rafael Alun Trisambodo, is trying to meet David and his family at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. Dolfie said that the purpose of his visit was to visit his client's victim of abuse, David, who was undergoing treatment.

“We came here on behalf of our client, Mario. We, as attorneys, came with my colleague. We also came here to offer prayer support, to David. We want to pray that he will recover soon," Dolfie told reporters at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, February.

But the arrival of Mario's attorney was very brief. It's only been a few minutes.

"There's no objection, it's just that maybe it's not the time yet. Because the hospital may not allow it yet. Because he is still in the ICU," he said.

"Not yet. (Father of David), I didn't meet him earlier," he continued.

Dolfie admitted that when he arrived today, there had been no communication with David's family.

"There has been no (communication) for us, in fact, we came here spontaneously, so we did not have prior coordination," he said.

When asked which party did not allow him to meet David, Dolfie was reluctant to answer. However, in the future, he will reschedule a meeting with David's family.

"We'll see. It's time for us to schedule. We'll see later, a little more. OK," he concluded.