Jambi DPRD Service Car Accident: Lessons To Be A Responsible Parent

JAKARTA – Observer of children and education, Retno Listyarti deeply regrets the behavior of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who allowed their family to use official vehicle facilities. As in the case of Jambi DPRD official car accident. A Toyota Camry with police number BH 1842 Z crashed into a billboard in the Thehok area, Jambi on February 2.

The official car, which was supposed to be a work facility for ASN Jambi DPRD Secretariat, was instead used recklessly by his teenage son.

Reportedly, the child with the initials MSA (17) even used the official car as a place to commit obscenity. Because, at the time of the accident there was a girl in her teens without clothes in the car.

Retno said the incident had to be a lesson for officials who received official car facilities.

"Don't use official cars for personal matters, especially if they are used by children who are still teenagers or students. It's very dangerous for them and for others," said Retno who also serves as Chair of the Expert Council of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Union (FSGI) in a written message received by VOI on 5 February 2023.

Parents of teenagers who drive official cars must be responsible because it is inappropriate for official cars to be used for personal purposes. (Twitter)

Considering that the perpetrators of road traffic offenders are teenagers, not yet 18 years old, the responsibility inherent before civil law for this single accident, according to Retno, is the parents of the child concerned.

"According to the rules, parents deserve to be prosecuted with demands for compensation," said Retno.

Both the losses from damage to billboards, damage to official cars, to compensation for injuries and broken bones suffered by women who were in the car.

It is fully the responsibility of parents who are known to be the Head of the Household and Assets Secretariat of the Jambi DPRD Secretariat. In accordance with article 1367 of the Civil Code, "A person is not only responsible for losses incurred due to unlawful acts he committed, but also for people who are under his responsibility."

In fact, said Retno, the behavior of the parents of the teenager driving the official car also included a disciplinary violation.

Violating Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline, namely in article 3 number 4, and number 5 which states that ASN must comply with all provisions of laws and regulations and must carry out official duties entrusted to them with full dedication, awareness, and responsibility.

Also, in violation of the Regulation of the Minister for Administrative Reform Number 87 of 2005 concerning Guidelines for the Efficiency and Discipline of PNS, it also states that official vehicles are ASN work facilities to support the administration of state government. May only be used for official purposes that support the main tasks and functions.

Illustration- Service vehicles are ASN work facilities to support the administration of state government, may only be used for official purposes that support the main tasks and functions. (Between)

That is why, even though the MSA family argued that their child was secretly using the official car, according to Retno, even with permission or without permission, the teenager's parents had been proven negligent. Not responsible for the state facilities given to him.

"Besides, it seems impossible, a child can get an official car out of the garage without the people at home knowing," Retno added.

Jambi Governor Al Haris has also emphasized that he will take firm action. He was proven negligent because the rules were very clear that he was not allowed to use state-owned official cars for personal purposes.

"We will be removed from the position of Head of Subdivision, transfer out of the council secretariat," Al Haris told media crews on February 5, 2023.

Monitoring Adolescent Behavior

Child psychologist Seto Mulyadi also assesses that approaching the age of 18 is a transitional period from adolescence to the early stages of adulthood. So, parents really have to play an extra role in maintaining and supervising the behavior of children at that age.

Establish effective communication, not positioning yourself as a boss or commander, but as a child's best friend. Because it cannot be denied, the instinct of teenagers to try something new is very big.

Their emotions are still unstable. Get angry easily, tend to act rudely to cover up deficiencies, tend to rebel, tend to show off, and others.

"Generally in front of their parents they obey, but behind them, they fight back," said Kak Seto, Seto Mulyadi's nickname to VOI on 5 February 2023.

Illustration - Adolescents have a great instinct to try something new, so parents have to do extra supervision. (Pixabay)

Communication can be done by inviting children to discuss various things.

“Take a theme, for example about driving on the highway. Insert a message when it is appropriate for them to be able to drive, if necessary add examples of cases that have occurred. Insert ethical, moral, disciplinary values, and so on. But it must be done in a friendly manner, not patronizing,” he said.

So that teenagers can accept and follow not because they are afraid, but because they are aware of the truth that their parents say. The hope, continued Kak Seto, is that they can be more mature emotionally and mentally, so that they are mature in the ability to think more complexly.

“However, the role of parents in child development is very important. Children need the right to live, the right to grow and develop, and the right to protection from their parents," said Kak Seto.