PKS Asks Acting Governor Of DKI Heru To Continue Construction Of Infiltration Wells

JAKARTA - The PKS faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD asked the Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to continue the construction of infiltration wells or vertical drainage.

This program was run by the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan before finally the DKI Jakarta DPRD crossed out the budget allocation for infiltration wells because they were considered ineffective in reducing the impact of floods.

Member of the PKS faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Abdul Aziz, said that infiltration wells need to continue to be built, especially in areas connected to waterways.

"The PKS faction encourages this to be done through making deep absorption wells in certain areas and increasing water catchment areas that are connected to waterways," said Aziz in the document of the general view of the factions against the Raperda on the DKI Jakarta APBD for the 2023 fiscal year, as quoted on Thursday, 10 November.

Although the majority of members of the DKI DPRD consider that infiltration wells are not functioning optimally, PKS views that infiltration wells need to be built in areas with sunken land in an area, especially in East Jakarta and South Jakarta.

"Deep infiltration wells that have been built together with biopori holes have been quite effective in reducing flooding and accelerating the receding of inundation in areas that often flood due to high rainfall," said Aziz.

In implementing the 2022 APBD, the DKI Jakarta DPRD crossed out the budget for the construction of infiltration wells. Thus, for the past year, infiltration wells have been made in a modest amount according to the budget set aside for each regional work unit (SKPD) of DKI.

Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan asked the Governor of DKI to continue the infiltration well construction program. This is stated in the Governor's Regulation Number 25 of 2022 concerning the Regional Development Plan (RPD) of DKI Jakarta for 2023-2026 which Anies prepared while still in office.