Not Only Blackpink, Raisa's Concert Can't Be Held At Gelora Bung Karno

JAKARTA - The Blackpink promoter has stated that the concert titled Blackpink Born Pink will be held at the GBK Main Stadium on March 11-12, 2023. Ticket sales will open from November 14.

Besides Blackpink, solo singer Raisa is also scheduled to hold a solo concert at SUGBK on February 25, 2023. However, it seems that the plan must change because the Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali stated that the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK) should not be used for concerts and other activities until The 2023 U-20 World Cup will be held from 20 May to 11 June next year.

This decision was made because SUGBK has been included in the list of stadiums that have been approved by FIFA for the U-20 World Cup. Based on the agreement, SUGBK and other stadiums must be sterile from any activity since six months before the U-20 World Cup.

"That (concert) is definitely not allowed. So all stadiums that have been registered with FIFA and approved by FIFA, this November will begin to be renovated. What has been completed (renovations), the stadium is not allowed to be used for other activities," said Zainudin.

"The GBK is owned by the state, all you have to do is talk to the Minister of State Secretary," he said, as quoted from ANTARA, Friday, November 4.

Zainudin also stated that he would coordinate with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regarding the timing of the renovation.

He ensured that if it had entered the renovation stage, the stadium would definitely not be able to be used for any activities, including concerts and national team matches.

A similar policy also applies to the five other main stadiums that will be used as venues for the 2023 U-20 World Cup.

Zainudin will socialize again to the local government so that the stadiums that will be used for the 2023 U-20 World Cup are not used for any activities.

"I can confirm it (the concert) is not possible (held). We have given a willingness to FIFA that Jakarta is the main stadium used for the U-20 World Cup," said Zainudin.

Besides SUGBK, five stadiums that have also been prepared for the U-20 World Cup are Jakabaring Palembang Stadium, Si Jalak Harupat Stadium in Bandung, Manahan Stadium in Solo, Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium in Surabaya, and Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium in Bali.

Until this news was revealed, the GBK had yet to provide an answer regarding a series of concert agendas that were waiting for next year.