Minister of Health: Omicron XXB COVID-19 Subvariant Has Been Detected in Indonesia
JAKARTA - Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said a new subvariant of the Omicron COVID-19 named XBB had been detected in Indonesia. He asked the public to remain disciplined in health protocols (prokes) and strengthen the effectiveness of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
"Singapore, the case now rises again to 6,000 per day, because there is a case of a new variant, namely XBB. This variant has also entered Indonesia and we are continuing to observe it", said Budi at the online press conference 'Government Work Achievements 2022' on Friday, October 21.
Budi emphasized that Indonesia cannot be said to be safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. Because various mutations of new variants still have the potential to continue to occur amid the assessment that the country can control the pandemic and the Delta variant well after it bursts in July 2021.
The Minister of Health said that the XBB and BA.2.7.5 variants have been lashing out in India. While the XBB variant has surrounded neighboring countries such as Singapore and Australia.
However, in the midst of the government's anticipation, the Minister of Health praised the Indonesian people for being one of the citizens who obey the health protocols.
It is evident from the wearing of masks that are not removed when other countries confidently withdraw policies related to health protocols. In addition, the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination can be said to be very good because as many as 440 million doses have been injected into more than 240 million citizens.
"Our community's immunity is good and secondly, our health protocol is relatively more conservative", said Budi.
Then Budi explained that the handling of the pandemic in Indonesia was much better than in Singapore. It is proven by the number of cases that had reached almost 600 thousand cases per day, now it has fallen below 2,000 cases per day.
"Indonesia in July and August was one of only a few countries, along with India, and China, whose increase was very small", he said.
The number of patients admitted to the hospital, from the original 100 thousand people, is currently only around 3,100. The number of cases of death that initially could reach 1,800 people per day is now showing a decline to 17-19 people per day.
According to him, Indonesia also does not face the Omicron wave for the BA.4 and BA.5 variants, when other countries experience it.
"But the test will be later, we will see at the beginning of the year. We know that Singapore, which previously only had hundreds of cases, has now increased to 6,000 cases per day, higher than Indonesia, which only has 2,000 cases per day, even though Singapore's population is 5 million, while our population is 270 million", he said.
Indeed, he said, the whole world recognizes that the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia is one of the best. However, the next challenge is the increase in cases that are predicted to occur in January-February 2023 due to the birth of new mutations.
"This needs help from all of us so that we can be disciplined in health protocols, wear masks, wash hands, keep our distance and those who haven't had a booster immediately get a booster", he said.