Anticipating Road Damage Due To Rain, Central Java Deploys Road Monitoring Team

SEMARANG - The Department of Public Works of Highways and Human Settlements (DPUBMCK) Central Java anticipates damage to provincial roads that are landslides or buried by landslides and floods, along with the high intensity of rain. They deployed a road monitoring team.

Head of Central Java DPUBMCK Hanung Triyono said his party had anticipated various possible damage to provincial roads during this rainy season.

"It's normal, keep working because the work in the field has been well organized. Then, the community groups have also started. We just need to increase our vigilance," said Hanung by telephone, Tuesday, October 18.

According to him, several things are prepared by the Central Java DPUBMCK, namely that it prepares human resources. In this case, it is the people of Bina Marga who are always on standby in every area. They are always ready because they carry out routine monitoring in their respective work areas.

This includes a monitoring team that is always on standby and carries out road patrols, tasked with mapping and monitoring provincial-level roads that are prone to landslides or prone to landslides during the rainy or flood season.

"The monitoring team is always on standby. It is impossible if there is no work, stop, it won't. The monitoring team is the one who surveys the road," he explained.

He said the monitoring team went around the streets that were under the authority of the Central Java Provincial Government. Apart from that, the equipment on standby is mainly heavy equipment. The readiness of heavy equipment aims to handle if at any time it is needed due to a disaster.

Not only that, in addition, Central Java DPUBMCK has also prepared materials such as gabions for landslides, as well as natural materials such as soil if the backfill is needed later.

"Prepared in each hall. We have disaster-prone points that we are wary of and also halls that have roads that often occur in disasters," he said.

It is noted that there are several Road Management Centers (BPJ) scattered throughout Central Java. Namely, the Cilacap Regional Road Management Center, the Pati Regional Road Management Center, the Purwodadi Regional Road Management Center, the Pekalongan Regional Road Management Center, the Surakarta Regional Road Management Center, the Semarang Regional Road Management Center, the Wonosobo Regional Road Management Center, the Magelang Regional Road Management Center, and the Tegal Regional Road Management Center.

As for the rainy season like now, explained Hanung, the potential natural disasters that could damage provincial roads are floods and landslides. This potential disaster is currently a concern as a form of anticipation if at any time it damages provincial roads.

The Department of Public Works, Water Resources and Spatial Planning (Pusdataru) of Central Java has also prepared itself, such as alerting its equipment. For example, six units of mobile pump (moving water pump) plus four carts of water pumps, plus 27 portable water pumps. In addition, there are 11 excavators ready to move, two bulldozers, mini excavators, dump trucks, and five vibro rollers.

In addition, there are also logistics related to water resources such as 102,445 sandbags. Meanwhile, for logistics such as geobags, gabion wire and the like, five BBWS are owned by five BBWS spread from Cimanuk-Cisanggarung, Pemali-Juana, Bengawan Solo, Serayu-Opak and Citanduy.

In addition, BBWS offices in five regions also have various equipment ready to be moved to the area when there is a disaster.