Human Rights Group Says Iran Protests Killed 133 People, Police Clash With University Students

JAKARTA - Iranian security forces clashed with students at a top university in Tehran on Sunday, social media and the government reported, a new phase of a deadly crackdown on nationwide protests sparked by the death of a young woman in custody.

The anti-government protests, which began at the funeral of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini on September 17 in the Kurdish city of Saqez, turned into the biggest show of opposition to Iranian authorities in years, with many calling for an end to the protests.

The activist Twitter account 1500tasvir, which has around 160,000 followers, posted several videos showing Sharif University, traditionally a hotbed of dissent, surrounded by dozens of riot police.

One video shows security forces firing tear gas to drive students from campus and gunshots being heard from a distance.

Another video shows security forces chasing dozens of students trapped in the university's underground parking lot. The account said dozens of students had been arrested.

Iranian state media described 'reports of clashes' at universities, saying the country's science minister visited the campus to check on the situation.

Iran's Mahsa Amini death protests (Wikimedia Commons/Darafsh)

It is known, students have protested at various universities on Sunday and demonstrations were held in several cities such as Tehran, Yazd, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Shiraz and Mashhad. Participants chanted "freedom, freedom, death of Khamenei."

The protests have not subsided despite the rising death toll and a crackdown by security forces using tear gas, batons and in some cases, according to videos on social media and rights groups, live ammunition.

Iran Human Rights, a group based in Norway, said in a statement, "so far 133 people have been killed across Iran," including more than 40 people said to have died in clashes last week in Zahedan, the capital of the southeastern province of Sistan- Baluchistan.

Amnesty International on Friday reported that hundreds were injured and thousands had been arrested in the protests.

Separately, Iranian authorities have not provided a death toll, while saying many members of the security forces have been killed by "rioters and thugs backed by foreign enemies". Last week state television said 41 people had died, including members of the security forces.

As previously reported, Amini was arrested on September 13 in Tehran for inappropriate attire, by the moral police who enforce a strict dress code. He died three days later in hospital after falling into a coma.

Amini's family lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, told the semi-official news site Etemadonline, "dear doctors" believe he was beaten in custody. Amini's autopsy report and other medical details have not been released, but her father said she saw bruises on her legs and another woman detained with her said she was beaten.

Iranian police authorities say Amini died of a heart attack and denies that she was beaten to death in custody.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has ordered an investigation into Amini's death. He said last week a forensic report would be submitted in the "coming days".