Profile Of Senior Comedian Eddy Gombloh, Who Was Buried Today In Jakarta

JAKARTA - The sad news came from senior comedian Eddy Gombloh. Long time not heard, the comedian passed away on Thursday, August 4 at 12.30 western Indonesia time.

According to reports, Eddy Gombloh died at the Sarjito Hospital in Yogyakarta. He was immediately rested at the funeral home in Yogyakarta.

"M. Edi Gombloh today at 12.30 WIB at the Sarjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, is resting at the Yogyakarta funeral home and tomorrow will be buried in Jakarta," the message circulated.

The plan is for the body to be buried in Jakarta, Friday, August 5. Born on August 17, 1941, Eddy Gombloh is a comedian who is known for his character as an innocent person. He often appears side by side with Benjamin Sueb.

In the film Tiga Janggo, Eddy Gombloh became the main character along with Benjamin Sueb and A. Hamid Arief through a film directed by Nawi Ismail.

During his career, Eddy Gombloh has starred in more than 20 films, including Ketemu Jodoh (1973), Tarsan Kota (1974), and Inem Pelayan Sexy (1976).

His last role in a film was in Ekspedisi Harta Karun which was released in 1990. Eddy Gombloh died at the age of 80 years.