Central Statistics Agency: The Trend Of Poverty Reduction In Rural Areas Is Faster Than Urban

JAKARTA - Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Margo Yuwono, said the trend of poverty reduction in rural areas was faster than in urban areas.

"So, the government's efforts to build from the village show that there is an improvement from time to time because the decline in the poverty rate in rural areas is faster than in urban areas", Margo said during a press conference in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, July 15.

In March 2022, the percentage of urban poverty fell from 7.60 percent to 7.50 percent. Meanwhile, in rural areas, it decreased from 12.53 percent to 12.29 percent.

Margo explained that poverty in rural areas is still higher than in urban areas, where the disparity is quite far. In general, in the period September 2011–March 2022, the poverty rate in Indonesia decreased, both in terms of number and percentage, except for September 2013, March 2015, March 2020, and March 2021.

The increase in the number and percentage of poor people in the period September 2013 and March 2015 occurred after an increase in the price of basic goods as a result of the increase in the price of fuel oil.

Meanwhile, the increase in the number and percentage of poor people in the period March 2020 and March 2021 occurred when there were restrictions on population mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia.

The number of poor people in Indonesia in March 2022 reached 26.16 million people. Compared to September 2021, the number of poor people decreased by 0.34 million people.

Meanwhile, when compared to March 2021, the number of poor people decreased by 1.38 million people.

The percentage of poor people in March 2022 was recorded at 9.54 percent, a decrease of 0.17 percentage points against September 2021 and a decrease of 0.60 percentage points against March 2021.

Based on the area of residence, in the period September 2021–March 2022, the number of urban poor people decreased by 0.04 million people, while in rural areas it decreased by 0.30 million people.