In December, Vehicles Not Passing Emission Test In Jakarta Subjected To Additional Fines When Paying Taxes
JAKARTA - The Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that the fulfillment of the emission test results will be the basis for the imposition of motor vehicle tax (PKB) in Jakarta. This policy will take effect in December 2022.
In a sense, vehicles that are more than 3 years old and want to pay taxes must carry out and pass an emission test. Otherwise, motor vehicle owners are required to pay additional fines.
"If the vehicle does not pass the emission test and/or has not carried out the emission test, it will be subject to a tax penalty," Asep told reporters, Wednesday, July 13.
However, there is no certainty about the amount of the fine. Asep said that the coefficient of the fine is currently being discussed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance.
Asep said this policy has a legal basis for Government Regulation (PP) Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management.
In Article 206 Paragraph 2 letter (a), it is stated that compliance with emission tests is applied to road-based land transportation equipment that has entered a service life of more than 3 years.
Then Article 531 letter (f) states that the fulfillment of the quality standard of emission test results as the basis for the imposition of Motor Vehicle Tax for environmental pollutant elements is enforced 2 (two) years after this Government Regulation is promulgated.
"Tightening the emission test provisions for all private vehicles is also one of the points in the Governor's Instruction Number 66 of 2019 concerning Air Pollution Control. The biggest source of pollution in DKI Jakarta comes from the mobile sector, namely motor vehicles or land transportation," he explained.
Meanwhile, Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said that the discourse on taking action against gas emission test violators with a ticket on November 13 was decided to be canceled.
Later, the police, the Transportation Service, and the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service will carry out inspections in the context of socialization. The plan is that the inspection will be held in conjunction with Operation Zebra on November 15-24 2021. "The team will carry out random inspections of vehicles. So that they can pass the quality standards of permitted exhaust gases. Take action on exhaust emission tests, as regulated by the Governor Regulation. 66 in 2020," said Sambodo.