Populi Center Survey: Prabowo Becomes The Most Elected Minister For President Candidate

JAKARTA - The Populi Center survey institute has released a poll regarding the political figures who have been chosen the most as presidential candidates for the 2024 General Election.

Populi Center researcher Rafif Pamenang Imawan said that there were four ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who had the potential to run as presidential candidates, namely Prabowo Subainto, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, Erick Thohir, and Airlangga Harharto.

If the four ministers run for president in the 2024 general election, the most respondents choose Prabowo's name with 3.71 percent gain.

"Of the four ministers who are likely to become presidential candidates in 2024, Prabowo is ahead with 37.1 percent, followed by Sandiaga 23 percent, Erick Thohir 8 percent, and Airlangga Hartarto 2.3 percent," said Rafif in the survey presentation, quoted on Monday, April 25.

Meanwhile, as many as 22.4 percent of respondents have not made their choice and 7.2 percent refuse to answer.

Respondents again received questions from political figures from various circles who would be elected as presidential candidates with a simulation of 10 names. As a result, the names Prabowo and Ganjar Pranowo got the highest electability, which was both 24 percent.

The next figures most expected to run for president are Anies Baswedan with 12.1 percent electability, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno 6.3 percent, Ridwan Kamil 5 percent, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono 4 percent, Puan Maharani 2.4 percent, Andika Perkasa 1.4 percent, Erick Thohir 1.3 percent, and Airlangga Hartarto 0.9 percent. "About 15.3 percent have not decided, and 3.3 percent refuse to answer," he said.

It is known that this survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews in the period from 21 to 29 March 2022. The total sample collected by trained data collectors reached 1,200 respondents.

The sample was randomly selected from the population of Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or already married when the survey was conducted. The survey's margin of error is estimated at +/- 2.83 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.