Even Though There Is A Budget Constraint, The House Of Representatives Commission X Hopes That The Indonesian Contingent For The Hanoi SEA Games Will Not Be Reduced

JAKARTA – Member of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Djohar Arifin Husin hopes that the Indonesian contingent for the 2021 SEA Games Hanoi event will not be reduced. He said that the budget constraint must be pursued.

This was conveyed by Arifin during a working meeting with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 23.

"We hope that the number of contingents will not be reduced. Even though the state budget is so capable, we are looking for funds in ways that we can do together because the name of the country is at stake," said Arifin.

Previously, the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) had decided to reduce the Indonesian contingent for the two-year event. The reduction was carried out as a tactic for budget constraints from the government.

Reportedly, KOI will only send a total of 500 athletes to the two-year event. That number is almost half less than the total athletes sent to the Philippines SEA Games last year, namely 841 athletes.

In addition, budget constraints make KOI also have to reduce the quota of trainers and support staff. Thus, support personnel such as doctors from certain branches must be able to help each other.

Arifin said that Indonesia had also encountered budget constraints at the 2003 SEA Games in Vietnam. However, at that time the budget problem could be resolved thanks to contributions from various sectors including entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

"At that time in Vietnam too, the government could only afford half of it, but the government supported it and found funds. They invited big businessmen and in a short time they raised even more funds," he said.

The 2021 SEA Games Hanoi will take place from 12-23 May. This year's event has an agenda of 40 sports and a total of 526 matches from 11 participating countries in the Southeast Asian region.