Temporary Standings For The First Round Of The Third Week Of 2022 Proliga, Two Jakarta Pertamina Teams In Power

JAKARTA - The first round of the 2022 Proliga competition has entered its third week. The women's team Jakarta Pertamina Fastron and the men's team Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax still dominate the top of the standings.

Quoting Antara, the Jakarta Pertamina men's team controlled the top of the standings by collecting nine points. This is the result of a clean sweep of three wins that they have played.

They performed very consistently in the first two weeks and took home maximum points in each game. The points earned by each team in this prestigious national volleyball event violate the rules of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB).

In that rule, each team that wins with a score of 3-0 and 3-1 automatically takes home three points. Meanwhile, the team that can only win by 3-2 will get two points.

Pertamina Pertamax started their first week with a 3-0 victory over Jakarta BNI 46. Meanwhile, in the following two weeks, they managed to score 3-1 wins each over Palembang Bank SumselBabel and Bogor LavAni. Surabaya Bhayangkara Samator overshadowed the second place with seven points, the result of two wins and one loss. Meanwhile, Bogor LavAni is in third place, followed by BNI 46 in fourth place.

Pertamina Faston's team also achieved perfect results. They managed to top the standings with maximum points after recording victories over Gresik Petrokimia Pupuk Indonesia, Jakarta Mandiri Popsivo Polwan, and Jakarta Electric PLN, in the last two weeks.

Behind Pertamina Faston, Gresik Petrokimia Pupuk Indonesia fills the second place with three points. Following the third position was Jakarta Mandiri Popsivo Polwan who also pocketed two points.

Bandung bjb Tandamata is fourth with two points and Jakarta Electric PLN at the bottom of the standings with one point. The standings position is also predicted to continue to change considering the length of the 2022 Proliga competition.