League 2 Spectator Trial Already Gets Schedule, Police And Ministry Of Health Ready To Guard

JAKARTA - PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) and PSSI have agreed to hold a trial of audience attendance in the League 2 competition. This agenda will begin in round 8 on December 15.

Before finally getting a final decision regarding the implementation of the trial audience attendance, PT LIB and PSSI had already coordinated with the Indonesian National Police (Polri) for the security scheme.

Not only that but the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is also involved in order to continue to implement strict health protocols (prokes) considering the competition was held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acting (Plt) Director-General of Public Health, Ministry of Health, drg. Kartini Rustandi, M.Kes said that her party would fully support PSSI's efforts in holding matches with strict procedures.

"Of course we will support efforts on how we can mobilize people to live a healthy life. In principle, the Ministry of Health will support the activities that will be carried out by PSSI," Kartini said at an online press conference attended by VOI, Wednesday, December 8 at the Office of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Regarding PSSI and PT LIB's plans to present spectators in the League 2 competition, Kartini hopes that later the supporters will have the opportunity to attend and be able to implement and comply with the health protocols that have been set.

"It is hoped that later supporters who attend will continue to apply strict procedures also through the Peduli Protect application. Of course, so that this can be done properly, the procedure must be in accordance with what is required, namely (supporters) have been vaccinated and have swab antigens," she added.

Not only the Ministry of Health but on the same occasion, the police also gave the green light regarding this audience trial plan. The Assistant for Operations to the National Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Imam Sugianto, said that his party was ready to secure the trial of spectators in the last 8 of Liga 2 starting next week.

"Hopefully we can design a truly comprehensive security so that the continuation of the League 2 football match event can be held safely, orderly, and smoothly," said Imam.

Speaking of security, Imam revealed that the scheme this time would be slightly different from the matches before the Covid-19 pandemic. The Police will arrange in such a way so that the process can continue to be implemented.

The security carried out by the police at the trial match with spectators requires different security from football matches that were held before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, his party will hold an internal technical meeting first in order to be able to arrange and direct the flow of the audience in the field so that they remain comfortable and not worry about crowds.

Furthermore, Imam also did not forget to appeal to all supporters to mutually respect and obey the rules when watching football matches at the stadium so that everything runs safely, orderly, comfortably, and there are no unwanted things.

"Of course, if everyone can restrain themselves, obey the regulations that have been issued. God willing, we can safely control the holding of the top 8 of league 2 at the end of this year," he added.

"Later we will coordinate intensively in the field. Hopefully, we can synergize and optimally oversee the match, "said Imam.

The spectator trials will be held at Pakansari Stadium, Bogor Regency, and Wibawa Mukti Stadium, Cikarang as the venue for the match.