Synergy Of TNI And Polri In Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccination And Restoring National Economy Praised By Airlangga Hartarto

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto provided a briefing at the 2021 National Police Chief of Staff Election in Bali, Friday, December 3. Airlangga appreciated the dedication of the TNI and Polri who had been actively involved in handling Covid-19 and restoring the national economy.

The current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is under control and has an impact on the economy which is getting better. This is inseparable from the joint work carried out by all parties in handling Covid-19 and national economic recovery.

The role of the TNI and Polri is evident in various efforts ranging from implementing PPKM, disciplining health protocols, to accelerating vaccination and distributing Cash Assistance to Street Vendors and Stalls (BT-PKLW).

"I am grateful for the best dedication that has been given by the Police in handling Covid-19. We have worked together and worked hard for almost 2 years," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

The control of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia cannot be separated from the acceleration of vaccination carried out by involving the TNI and Polri. Furthermore, the effectiveness of efforts to control the pandemic will also greatly affect the recovery of the national economy. Moreover, in order to support people's purchasing power, the Government initiated the BT-PKLW program and Coordinating Minister Airlangga said that the BT-PKLW program had been realized 100% with the assistance of the TNI and Polri.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is under control, Coordinating Minister Airlangga advised that there is a new variant of Covid-19. For this reason, the upstream (prevention) and downstream (handling) management strategies need to be systematically strengthened, especially on the upstream side, so that this new variant does not enter and spread in Indonesia. Coordination with village/RT/RW officials and the Covid-19 task force in their respective regions must also continue to be improved.

In the context of limiting mobility during the 2021 Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays, Coordinating Minister Airlangga said that the role of the TNI and Polri was very important. "Restrictions will still be carried out in a measurable way and taking into account that economic activities can still run," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

Likewise in the G20 Indonesia Presidency, Coordinating Minister Airlangga hoped that the role of the National Police in supporting the implementation, especially since Indonesia was the first developing country to bring the interests of other developing countries to the forum. The benefits of Indonesia's G20 Presidency are enormous, namely increasing domestic consumption by Rp1.7 trillion, increasing National GDP by Rp7.4 trillion, involving 33 thousand MSMEs, and increasing employment and economic benefits of more than 1.5 to 2 times compared to the Annual event. IMF-World Bank meeting in 2018.

"Security assistance from the TNI and Polri at the G20 Presidency is crucial to ensure the smooth running of the event and demonstrate Indonesia's success to the world," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartanto.