A Total Of 543,100 People In Indonesia Are Estimated To Be Living With HIV Disease

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Health estimates that people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease in Indonesia will reach 543,100 in 2020.

"So we provide a little information, approximately 543,100 people are living with HIV in Indonesia in 2020", said the Director of Prevention and Control of Directly Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi at the Press Briefing World AIDS Day 2021 which was attended in Jakarta, Tuesday, 30 November.

Nadia said, the condition of HIV disease in Indonesia has now entered an epidemic period after experiencing a decrease in the number of cases. so that currently it becomes concentrated with the prevalence of HIV sufferers over the age of 15 years is 0.26 percent.

She said only two areas were experiencing an expansion of the epidemic, namely Papua and West Papua. However, the expansion is still at a level that can be said to be low because the figure reaches 1.8 percent.

Then in the distribution of the estimated number of new HIV infections, in 2020 as many as 27,580 new people are estimated to be infected with HIV. This shows that nationally, the estimated distribution of infections is 47 percent lower than in 2010 which reached around 48,000 cases annually.

"Actually, this number has fallen quite far compared to 2010. At that time, Indonesia had the number of new infections adding up to 48,000 every year", said Nadia, quoted by Antara.

With details in 2020, as many as 149,883 people spread across 502 districts or cities have received treatment and access antiretroviral therapy (ARV), and as many as 30,100 people with HIV (PLWHIV) are estimated to have died of which 10,103 cases of death were reported.

In the event, she also emphasized that Indonesia must be able to continue to find new cases of infection so that it can suppress the rate of increase in HIV cases even higher. To be able to suppress it, the government has a STOP HIV program that carries four aspects namely Flash, Find, Treat, Maintain.

She hopes that through this program, the number of people living with HIV in Indonesia can soon be reduced by providing education, helping people know their HIV status, and getting ARV therapy that can reduce the rate of cases.

"If we look at it, we have a pretty tough target for Indonesia to pursue. Because only 70 percent know their HIV status while those who are under treatment are only 28 percent. Meanwhile, for the third one, the virus is still suppressed at 95 percent, so this is a big task", said Nadia.