Erick Thohir: 2021 World Superbike Racers Admire The Beauty Of The Mandalika Circuit

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir witnessed the opening of the prestigious Wold Superbike (WSBK) 2021 motorcycle race at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit (Mandalika Circuit), Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). According to him, the racers who attended admired the beauty of the first circuit in Indonesia.

"All racers were amazed by the beauty of the circuit. Italian Ducati racer Michael Ruben Rinaldi even expressed his appreciation to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi," Erick wrote, quoted from his personal Instagram account @erickthohir, Sunday, November 21.

As is known, the Ministry of SOEs supports the implementation of international sports events that take place in Mandalika. Through the implementation of the WSBK race and other international racing events, it is hoped that it can increase the interest of domestic and foreign tourists to visit tourist attractions in Indonesia, especially in the Lombok Island area.

Organizing the event cannot be separated from the role of SOEs. The construction of the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit and the implementation of the WSBK is the result of working together with the Central Government, Regional Government, and all other stakeholders, including synergies between SOEs including ITDC, Aviata, PTPP, Pertamina, Himbara, and other SOEs.

KEK Mandalika as the location for the 2021 WSBK is included in the five Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP) managed by PT ITDC.

Meanwhile, the venue used, namely the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, is a form of synergy between Pertamina and ITDC which was written in the Cooperation Agreement between the two SOEs in October 2021.

KEK Mandalika was developed with the concept of Sport Tourism, which is a tourism destination that has complete supporting facilities, landscapes, and natural potential that is suitable for holding various types of sports and entertainment activities combined with tourism activities.

Previously, the Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs for Communication, Arya Sinulingga said that the Pertamina Mandalika circuit needed to be optimized to the maximum to encourage economic growth, especially in the Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara region, and needed to be jointly maintained in order to continue to provide benefits for economic progress and become part of the community. the pride of the Indonesian nation.

"The Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit has become the new pride of the Indonesian people and nation as a circuit where international racing events are held," said Arya, in a written statement, Friday, November 19.

ITDC President Director Abdulbar M. Mansoer said the WSBK event would be an attraction for tourist visits to Lombok in particular and Indonesia in general, as well as a trigger for the revival of Indonesian tourism.

"It is an honor for us to be able to host the closing match of the 2021 World Superbike season in our region and especially at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit which has been declared homologated by the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). With enthusiasm and support from the audience and all parties, we are confident that we will be able to show that the Indonesian nation is a good host for the organization of international motorcycle racing events," he said.

In the future, he hopes that more similar events will be held at the Mandalika SEZ so that it can accelerate the recovery of post-pandemic Indonesian tourism.