KPK Protests Politics Related To Alleged Corruption Investigation Formula E

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of the Formula E racing event in DKI Jakarta is not politically charged. All processes of collecting evidence and information are ensured to run according to the laws and regulations.

This allegation of the KPK in politics was conveyed by a number of parties, one of which was constitutional law expert Refly Harun. He said the anti-corruption commission certainly received a lot of complaints from the public with indications of corruption or other factors.

However, Refly warned not to try to investigate the alleged corruption of Formula E instead giving rise to the perception that the KPK is targeting the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"Don't let the public think that this is to target the Governor of DKI. I can't justify or blame, it's called public imagination, it can appear anytime and anything," he said some time ago.

He explained that politics is closely related to law enforcement. This kind of thing, said Refly, endangers the ongoing democratic process.

"Political opponents can be eliminated by legal processes. Now the KPK can issue a warrant for the termination of the investigation (SP3). The KPK can at any time designate people as suspects, and then SP3. This is alleged speculation that I cannot justify and blame, we want 2024 to be a 'fair' presidential election," he said.

Disputing the statement of Refly and those who accused the Formula E investigation of politics, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, said that the current process was of course in accordance with the applicable legal rules.

"KPK is law enforcement, the standard is legal standards, both in terms of procedures and terms and conditions. So, every report that is reported to the KPK will be followed up according to the procedures we have determined," explained Ghufron.

The procedure that must be carried out by the anti-corruption commission when receiving a report is to conduct a study and review. This, said Ghufron, was done to find out whether or not there were allegations of corruption.

In addition, the KPK is also examining whether the alleged corruption can be handled or not in accordance with their authority.

"If it is based on the review, it is a new crime, we will carry out an ongoing investigation and investigation process in accordance with legal procedures," said Ghufron.

Even so, he did not deny that this report could be politically motivated. However, Ghufron ensures that all legal processes that run will of course be in accordance with applicable regulations.

"So if asked, whatever is reported to the KPK must have various motives, both economic, political, and so on. There must be a motive, but we filter it by legal standards and if it meets legal standards, we will follow up," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK admitted that it was investigating and had examined several parties related to allegations of corruption related to the implementation of the Formula E racing event.

Most recently, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Inspectorate Syaefulloh Hidayat and the President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) Widi Amanasto visited the KPK Red and White Building on Tuesday, November 9.

They came to submit a 600-page document related to the plan to organize Formula E. This was intended to provide support for monitoring corruption prevention (MCP) efforts to the KPK leadership.

The document contains the approval process for the preparations needed by the KPK to obtain detailed and complete information in investigating allegations of corruption in the planned international event.