JAKARTA - The Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR has agreed that the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) is a proposed initiative by the DPR. After listening to the views of nine factions in the Plenary Meeting of the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI, Wednesday, December 8, afternoon.

Baleg also agreed to bring the TPKS Bill to a plenary meeting for approval. Although there was one faction that stated to postpone and the other faction refused.

"I asked the ladies and gentlemen of the Legislative Council members whether the draft Bill on the Crime of Sexual Violence could be approved as a DPR initiative proposal," said DPR RI Baleg Chairman Supratman Andi Agtas at the RI House of Representatives Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 8.

The seven factions that agreed were PDIP, PPP, PAN, Gerindra, NasDem, Democrats, and PKB. Meanwhile, Golkar wants the TPKS Bill to be postponed for discussion, and PKS refuses.

"Seven factions agreed, one faction asked to postpone because they still needed to hear the opinion of the community, namely Golkar, while the faction that refused was the PKS Faction," said Supratman.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) faction at the DPR stated that it agreed that the TPKS Bill be brought to a plenary session on the grounds that Indonesia needed a legal umbrella to provide justice for victims of sexual violence.

"The spirit of legal reform through this law has been brought by the PDI-P, which continues to oversee the process of forming the bill on TPKS so that it becomes a legal product with social justice for the victims," explained member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) from the PDIP faction, Selly Andrianygantina in a meeting. Working Committee on TPKS Bill, Wednesday, December 8th.

The same thing was conveyed by the National Mandate Party (PAN), Nasdem Party, and the National Awakening Party (PKB). Meanwhile, the Golkar Party faction also agreed, but it is hoped that its points will be refined so that it does not become a polemic.

But earlier, in reading the views of the Golkar Party faction, they asked that the decision-making be postponed. The reason is that the discussion of the TPKS Bill still has to listen to public input to make it more perfect.

Golkar admits that in the near future it will hold hearings with religious leaders to reabsorb inputs regarding the TPKS Bill. Golkar also asked for the discussion of the TPKS Bill to be discussed in the next session.

"We, the Golkar Party faction, have stated that we are proposing the TPKS Bill to be continued for discussion in the next session, so that it is perfect and when it has been promulgated there will be no more gaps from other parties to conduct a judicial review," said a member of the DPR Baleg from the Golkar Party faction, Ferdiansyah.

Meanwhile, PKS, which was an opposition party from the start, firmly rejected the TPKS Bill. Muzzammil Yusuf representing the PKS faction said that PKS's attitude was to reject the TPKS Bill to the next stage as long as there were no rules regarding the prohibition of adultery and sexual or LGBT perversions.

"The PKS faction rejected the TPKS Bill before it was preceded by the ratification of the prohibition on adultery and LGBT which is regulated in the applicable law," said Muzzammil.

Baleg Leaders are relieved that the TPKS Bill will finally be enacted

The chairman of the working committee (Panja) of the TPKS Bill Willy Aditya said Baleg had written to the leadership of the DPR regarding the results of today's meeting. The contents of the letter are an effort so that the draft TPKS Bill that has been ratified can be finalized as a proposed bill on the initiative of the DPR.

"Earlier we have communicated with the leadership of the DPR, Baleg has written to the leadership to schedule it at the Bamus and we still have a closing plenary session. God willing, we will include it in the closing plenary to be used as an initiative from the DPR," said Willy at the DPR Building, Wednesday, December 8.

The deputy chairman of the Legislative Council of the DPR seemed relieved because the TPKS Bill could soon be ratified by the DPR. However, not all factions agree with the bill. Because, said Willy, this law is eagerly awaited by the public in order to get justice for victims of sexual violence.

"This is an objective requirement for us. As the chair of the committee, I thank you, all parties involved, not only us in the courtroom, but the public, victims who need justice are really waiting for the law to come," he explained.

"God willing, we are still in communication, earlier I said if I could get permission to convene during the recess, why not, after all, other laws can do it," continued Willy.

The NasDem politician hopes that the presence of this law can be felt that the presence of the state is really real. Then, the victim need not be afraid anymore, let alone experience re-victimization.

"With the draft law that will become the TPKS Law, there is no more re-victimization, no more Baiq Nuril, this is a progressive breakthrough. We are doing it to protect victims and people who are really vulnerable, be it children with disabilities and so on," said Willy.

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