
JAKARTA - On Monday, July 31, China announced export control on several drones and drone-related equipment, citing wanting to maintain "national security and interests" in rising tensions with the United States over access to high technology.

Restrictions on equipment including several drone engines, lasers, communications equipment, and anti-drone systems will take effect from September 1. This was said by the country's trade ministry.

According to a ministry spokesman in a statement, this control will also affect some consumer drones, and no civilian drones may be exported for military purposes.

"China's limited expansion of drone control coverage this time is an important step towards showing our stance as a responsible major country, to implement global security initiatives, and maintain world peace," the spokesman said. "The authorities have notified countries and the relevant territories."

China is known to have a large drone manufacturing industry and exports to several markets including the United States.

United States lawmakers have stated that more than 50% of the drones sold in the US were made by Chinese-based companies, namely DJIs, and the drones are the most popular ones used by public security agencies.

Pada Senin, DJI menyatakan bahwa mereka selalu secara ketat mematuhi dan menegakkan hukum dan peraturan negara-negara atau wilayah di mana mereka beroperasi, termasuk persyaratan peraturan pengendalian ekspor China.

"We have never designed and produced products and equipment for military use, and we have never marketed or sold our products for use in military or war conflicts in any country," the drone-making company added.

A German drone retailer in March 2022 accused DJI of leaking data about Ukraine's military position against Russia, allegations rejected by the company as "very untrue".

China's trade ministry stated in April this year that US and Western media disseminated "baseless accusations" that China is exporting drones to the battlefield in Ukraine, adding that the report was an attempt to "contaminate" Chinese companies and that China will continue to strengthen export control on drones.

The drone's export restrictions came after China announced export control over some of the metals widely used in chip manufacturing last month, in retaliation for US measures to limit China's access to key technologies, such as chip manufacturing equipment.

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