
JAKARTA - Jakarta Smart City Management Unit (UP JSC) launched the renewal of the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application generation 3.0 as a gift of the 496th anniversary of DKI Jakarta. Head of the Jakarta Smart City Implementation Unit (UP JSC) Yudhistira Nugraha in Jakarta, in a written statement, Saturday, June 24, explained that there were three changes that existed in JAKI Generation 3.0. First, the JAKI application platform has now been languageed in order to adapt to the direction of Jakarta's development as a global city, "said Yudhistira. Yudhistira hopes that with the choice of the English language display, the JAKI platform can target new users from expatriate circles or foreign tourists who are visiting Jakarta. Second, personalize the appearance of information and services on the JAKI application platform. The 3.0 Generation JAKI Performance has adapted according to the needs of various groups, ranging from students to housewives so that users can take advantage of the features made easily, he said.' Then, the third change is on the category of services that are now in accordance with the interests of the issues they are looking for. In the JAKI application, service classifiers have been carried out in accordance with the interests of the search for issues. Each user will have different experiences in using JAKI,'' said Yudhistira.

Sementara itu Pelaksana Tugas (Plt.) Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Statistik, Sigit Wijatmoko mengatakan bahwa kenyamanan dan kemudahan pengguna merupakan fokus utama dari pengembangan JAKI.“Melalui pembaruan versi 3.0 ini warga Jakarta pengguna aplikasi Jakarta Kini dapat lebih mudah mengakses informasi dan layanan publik digital terkini di Jakarta,” ujar Sigit.Sigit menjabarkan sebagai super apps, platform JAKI akan terus dikembangkan baik dari sisi tampilan pengguna (user interface) maupun penambahan fitur untuk pengalaman pengguna (user experience).“Harapannya ke depan JAKI terus melakukan inovasi dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai layanan publik digital dari berbagai perangkat daerah ke dalam satu platform aplikasi,” ucapnya.Berdasarkan informasi yang didapat aplikasi JAKI telah diunduh sebanyak 11.080 pengguna Android dan 310 pengguna iOS data per Juni 2023.

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