
JAKARTA - The video game publisher studio Capcom has updated the list of Platinum Titles about the sale of a number of its Monster Hunter series titles as of March 31, 2023.

Based on data shared Capcom the title for the Monster Hunter series continues to sell with impressive momentum, with the last two mainstream installments and their expansions showing little signs of slowing down.

Monster Hunter World has sold 18.6 million units by the end of last year, and has sold 200,000 more coffees during Q1 in 2023. Thus, as of March 31, Monster Hunter World sales have reached 18.8 million units.

On the other hand, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne also continues to sell on the same track, and currently the title has been sold at 10.2 million units.

Meanwhile, Capcom also sold a Monster Hunter Rise of 12 million units in February, and now the title has sold more than 12.7 million units. Meanwhile, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak also enjoyed an increase of 500,000 units, with total sales reaching 5.4 million units.

The action RPG and expansion of the Monster Hunter game, which are now available for PlayStation and Xbox consoles in recent months, may have helped contribute to its sales momentum.

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