
JAKARTA - The police said that Christopher Steffanus Budianto alias Steven often moved countries during his escape. Almost all countries in ASEAN were used as hiding places.

Kasubdit Ranmor Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Yuliansyah mengatakan, penariran tersangka Christopher dimulai pada 2022. Singapura menjadi negara pertama yang dikunjunginya.

"So first, in May 2022 the suspect went to Singapore," Yuliansyah told reporters, Wednesday, November 22.

Then, based on the crossing data received, Christopher is known to have gone back and forth between Singapore and Thailand. However, it was not explained how many times the suspect moved.

It was only conveyed that there were several countries that had also been used as hiding places.

"From Singapore, the suspect often goes back and forth between Bangkok and Hong Kong, has also been to Vietnam. That's what we will explore," he said.

From a country that has been visited, it is said that the suspect has been hiding in the Thai country for the longest time.

"In Bangkok itself, if we get information from Immigration, it will be about 3 months," said Yuliansyah.

Previously, the Head of the National Police's Hubinter Division, Inspector General Krishna Murti, said that Steven was arrested in Thailand, Monday, November 20. The arrest of this fugitive was the result of a collaboration with the Thai Police.

Steven was brought to Indonesia this afternoon. Currently, the administrative completion process is still being carried out.

It is estimated that this afternoon or evening, Steven will arrive in the country.

Steven will be immediately handed over to Polda Metro Jaya. That way it can speed up the handling of the case.

"(Christopher Sfefanus Budianto alias Steven) was taken to Polda Metro Jaya," said Krishna.

Steven is a fugitive in a car rental mode fraud case with victim Jessica Iskandar worth Rp9.8 billion.

The fraudulent act of Christopher Steffanus Budianto alias Steven began when he collaborated with Jessica Iskandar. At that time, Jessica was promised a monthly profit.

However, the promise was just a mode. Jessica was deceived and suffered a loss of Rp9.8 billion.

Thus, decided to report the fraud to the Polda Metro Jaya on June 15, 2022. The report was recorded with the number LP/B/2947/VI/2022.

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