
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stated that it is very likely that many ships carrying Rohingya refugees will depart from Bangladesh and Myanmar into Indonesian waters.

"It is likely that more ships will depart from Bangladesh and Myanmar in the near future, as Rohingya refugees continue to seek security and protection," said UNHCR Representative Head at Indonesia Ann Maymann in a statement, Friday, November 17, in a statement.

Ann Maymann revealed, based on UNHCR reports, apart from the boat which is currently still in trouble and asking for help landing in Bireuen and North Aceh, there is still one boat that is currently floating in the sea.

"Reports suggest that at least one other boat may be at sea. Rohingya refugees continue to seek security and protection, they are taking risks that risk their lives in finding solutions," he said.

Therefore, UNHCR asks the Government of Indonesia to act immediately, allow landings and provide life-saving assistance to these immigrants.

Especially, he continued, for 200 Rohingya refugees who needed food, water, and medical attention, including a large number of women and children who had not been allowed to land and were still off the coast of Aceh.

"Dangerous travel is carried out by those who have no chances and who have lost hope. As the global crisis increases and humanitarian resources decrease, we must act immediately to save lives, and also immediately expand solutions," he said.

In addition to the Government of Indonesia, UNHCR also calls on all countries to improve regional coordination to save lives at sea to fully mobilize the rescue capacity of Rohingya refugees and immediately facilitate their landings.

All countries are expected to comply with the commitments made in the Bali Declaration, increasing regional cooperation and coordination to carry out searches, predictable rescues and safe landings.

Furthermore, he emphasized, the relevant marine law (SOLAS, UNCLOS, and SAR conventions) which has been ratified by Indonesia and international habit laws must be upheld at all times and apply to all countries regardless of whether they have ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention.

On the other hand, his party together with the United Nations Agency (UN) for refugee affairs also appreciated the rescue measures by the people of Aceh for the last three days against the landing of 341 Rohingya immigrants who arrived separately on November 14 and 15, 2023.

"UNHCR asks that care and hospitality be provided in a sustainable manner to support the landing of other possible boats that may come, including the third boat that is currently adrift off the coast of Aceh," he said.

Ann Maymann stated that UNHCR and partners are ready to continue to support the community and local authorities in response to the needs of refugees who may land in the future.

"UNHCR and partners have been at the landing site, working closely with authorities to provide protection and assistance to those who have landed, including many women and children," said Ann Maymann.

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