PADANG - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD told the big role of Minang figures in establishing Indonesia as a democracy and not a kingdom.
"The proposal for this democratic country was achieved through voting. The voting was proposed by the West Sumatran people named Mohammad Yamin," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD when delivering a national dialogue entitled Democratic Election, Strengthening the United Nations at the West Sumatra Governor Auditorium reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 16.
On July 10, 1945, the founders of the state argued long about the form of government. At that time Soekarno proposed a republic, while others chose it in the form of a kingdom. This is because the royal system is considered successful in uniting Indonesia.
From a long debate that did not find a common ground, Mohammad Yamin appeared and proposed voting. As a result, 55 people chose the republic (democracy), six approved the kingdom, and one abstain.
In the national dialogue, Mahfud said that the major contribution of figures from West Sumatra to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
"Pak Hatta (Mohammad Hatta), Pak Yamin (Mohammad Yamin), Mohammad Natsir, Tan Malaka, Syafruddin Prawiranegara, Sjahrir, and many more contribute greatly to the Republic of Indonesia," he said.
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Even though Indonesia is a democratic country, he said that it is not entirely good because democracy often generates hoaxes, especially targeting people with low education.
Nevertheless, continued Mahfud, this bad democracy is still the best compared to others such as monarchy, archicocracy, and oligarchy.
"Others (other than democracy) the role of the people does not exist and changes in power regularly. There is also no guarantee. In that democracy, it is regulated," he said.
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