
NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) pays attention to the security of the 2024 General Election from drug trafficking disturbances.

"So, to make the 2024 General Election a success, we will increase routine activities in drug disclosure," said the NTB Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General of Police Raden Umar Faroq in Mataram, NTB, Friday, November 10, confiscated by Antara.

The National Police through the Great Brata Task Force 2023-2024 has also made drug trafficking one of the targets for securing the 2024 General Election.

Therefore, Umar asked the Brata Task Force for 2023-2024 and the ranks of drug investigations to promote efforts to disclose regularly by going to the field.

He conveyed that the residents of every correctional institution (prison) in NTB have now been crowded with drug trafficking perpetrators.

"It can be said that almost 90 percent of prisons are filled with drug trafficking perpetrators. So, it is clear that drug trafficking should be our common concern," he said.

By conveying this, Inspector General of Police. Umar Faroq asked for public support to continue to convey all forms of information related to drug trafficking.

According to him, community support is one of the determining factors in fortifying NTB from drug trafficking.

"Because we all know that the impact of this drug damages the lives and character, especially our young generation, therefore the support from the community is also very important," he said.

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