
CIANJUR - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Cianjur Regency conducted an examination of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Cidaun District. The examination was carried out because the ASN was suspected of being involved in practical politics using attributes bearing the name of a candidate for legislative member (caleg) participating in the 2024 General Election.

The Coordinator of the Division for Handling Violations and Datin Bawaslu Cianjur Yana Sopyan said the summons began with public reports regarding violations of ASN neutrality in the Cianjur Regency Government, precisely in Cidaun District.

"We have searched and examined six ASN from Cidaun District, starting from the sub-district to village officials related to alleged violations, where ASN in the sub-district is wearing a vest with the name of a legislative candidate," he said in Cianjur, Thursday, November 9, confiscated by Antara.

He said his party would summon several other ASN people for questioning, before conducting a study related to the rules imposed in the alleged violation.

However, the initial information, he said, was still allegations of neutrality and practical politics carried out by ASN in the Cidaun sub-district because it was linked to campaign violations that had not yet entered the time.

"This is related to the practical politics and neutrality of ASN because if it is withdrawn to the campaign stage, it is not yet time. We will complete the examination before reviewing the legal sanctions, but we ask that ASN not be involved in practical politics ahead of the election," he said.

The Head of Cidaun Koswara Sub-district, said that the activity, which was held by the legislative candidate, had nothing to do with invitations or campaigns, but his wife distributed a vest bearing the name without any invitations to vote, not listed serial numbers, and a logo or name of a political party.

"My wife distributed vests to everyone including ASN in the Cidaun District, as a memento and those wearing personal wishes, not instructions, have nothing to do with her candidacy as a participant in the 2024 General Election," he said.

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