JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) serves free cancer screening or early detection for residents aged 15 years and over who can be accessed starting from the first level health facility, namely puskesmas and auxiliary health centers.
"To prevent cancer, the main thing that must be done is screening at least once a year, therefore we provide the opportunity to screen people aged 15 years and over. It is given a free opportunity to screen once," said Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Ministry of Health. Eva Susanti reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.
Eva told women it is recommended to detect cervical cancer and breast cancer early at the age of 30-50 years. However, currently, the percentage of women who come to health facilities (faskes) for screening is only 19 percent.
"So you can directly come to the puskesmas, an examination will be carried out later. Currently, there are several health centers that can carry out early detection using the Ultrasound (USG) or with Sadanis (clinical breast examination) through medical personnel that we have trained," he said.
In addition to cancer screening, he continued, people aged 15 years and over also need to carry out overall health screening.
"At the age of 15, blood pressure and sugar must be examined, height, and belly circumference. Women's stomach should not be more than 80 cm, men should not be more than 90 cm, normal blood pressure (90-120 mmHg at an adult age), and normal blood sugar (less than 200 mg/dL)," he explained.
Especially for cervical cancer, Eva continued, DKI Jakarta can already conduct an Asmatic Acid Visual Inspection (IVA test), with the procedure of taking cell samples from the cervix for examination of whether there is a HPV virus in DNA.
"When it was discovered that there were pre-kanker lesions or tumors, a cryotherapy was immediately carried out (medical procedure using a special liquid that could freeze and kill tumor cells)," said Eva.
Currently, he continued, the Ministry of Health has also implemented a free HPV vaccine program for children aged 5-6 Elementary Schools (SD).
"For now, the program is only for grades 5-6 elementary school, because we do a lot of vaccinations and the funds are limited. Of course we have to prioritize priority first, but in the future the needs for the people of Indonesia will be calculated. Currently, the National Action Plan for the Elimination of cervical cancer is being prepared," he explained.
He emphasized the importance of screening, because if cancer cells were found from the start, the cure rate could be better.
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"So we must not be afraid, instead we have to access the free service at the nearest health center according to the ID card, immediately check the early detection of cervical cancer and breasts," he said.
Before coming to health facilities, he said, women can also first be aware (check their own breasts), the method can be accessed through the channels owned by the Ministry of Health.
"Even at the auxiliary health center, currently some have been equipped with beds for inspection, as well as cryotherapy. Our cadres have also been equipped with 25 basic competencies, so they can provide information and education to the public, and invite the public to want to do screening," he said.
Currently, the Ministry of Health is focusing on the integration of primary services at auxiliary health centers and posyandu, so that they can educate the entire life cycle, screening, and prevention early, as well as meet public health standards.
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