
SEMARANG - Thousands of worshipers from various regions in Central Java and Semarang Regency and its surroundings spilled over crowded the field in Bergas Kidul Village, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Tuesday, November 7 night.

They attended a religious activity entitled National Sholawat which was attended by KH Mohammad Ali Shodiqin or better known as Gus Ali Gondrong.

The congregation was very enthusiastic and solemn to follow the salawat. They have been in the field since the time of isya to wait for the kiai and the caretaker of the Roudlotun Ni'mah Islamic Boarding School Semarang.

The National Sholawat was also attended by kiai, ustaz, community leaders, local sub-district heads and all village heads in Bergas District, Semarang Regency.

"2024 Ganjar Pranowo, God willing, qobul celebration. The Islamic boarding school mafia, the price of the Republic of Indonesia is fixed, tobat before death," said Gus Ali while inviting his congregation to take care of it.

However, Gus Ali advised the congregation to continue to respect differences. He also reminded them to maintain the integrity of the nation and state.

"Don't just because of differences of choice, people want to be pitted against each other. It's a normal and natural thing, don't be easily divided," he said.

The spirit of nationalism was shown by Gus Ali and all the congregation who attended by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya at the beginning of the event.

The congregation also compactly enthusiastically participated in the accompaniment of mandatory songs performed by Gus Ali. Obligatory songs such as Padamu Negeri, Syukur, make the atmosphere on the field even more boisterous.

"The election is once every five years, in the whole of the cascade, don't want to be divided. Don't want to be pitted against each other. You have to unite to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Gus Ali.

The enthusiasm of the congregation is even more enthusiastic when Gus Ali and the congregation together recite Pancasila. After that, the recovery of the tambourine accompanied the song Yalal Waton.

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