
JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) decided to dismiss Anwar Usman from the position of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) on reports of alleged violations of the code of ethics and behavior of judges. This decision is related to the results of the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the obscenity of regional heads not yet 40 years old as presidential and vice-presidential candidates. In handling this case, MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshidiqqie stated that Anwar Usman was proven to have committed a serious violation of the code of ethics and behavior of the constitsu judges as stated in Sapta Karsa Hutama, the principle of impartiality, principle of integrity, principle of competence and equality, principle of independence, and principle of appropriateness and decency. "Imposing sanctions for dismissal from the position of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court to the reported judge," said Jimly at the Constitutional Court building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 7. When the decision to dismiss uncle from the future vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka was read out, a number of reporters who were present in the courtroom immediately applauded. The Constitutional Court ordered the Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court to lead the implementation of the new Constitutional Court leadership election within 2x24 hours. The Constitutional Court also prohibits Anwar Usman, who is now only a member of the Constitutional Court, from running for Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court until his term as a constitutional judge ends. The Constitutional Court's decision refers to the report on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 which allows regional heads not yet 40 years old to run as presidential and vice presidential candidates. The decision on the handling of the MKMK case was read out by the Chief Justice of the MKMK and concurrently Member, Jimly Asshiddiqie (community figure), Secretary concurrently Member of the MKMK, Wahiduddin Adams (constitutional judge), and Member of the MKMK, Bintan R. Saragih (law academic). The Constitutional Court has received 21 reports of alleged violations of the ethics of the Constitutional Court judge on the Constitutional Court's decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 which allows regional heads not yet 40 years old to run as presidential and vice presidential candidates. However, in this trial, the reading of the results of case handling is divided into four decisions.
This decision refers to the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK) Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court. In the regulation, there are 3 types of sanctions that can be imposed, verbal warnings, written warnings, or dishonorable dismissals.

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