The police finally managed to arrest the perpetrators involved in the beating that caused a student from the Kediri Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood (PSHT) building to be killed. The arrests occurred almost a month after the incident. "Alhamdulillah, less than one month, on November 1, Wednesday, the Satreskrim of the Kediri City Police, with the support of the Jatanras Sub-Directorate of the East Java Police, succeeded in arresting the suspects," said Kediri City Police Chief, AKBP Teddy Chandra, Sunday 5 November. Four perpetrators have been named as suspects in this case. They have jointly committed violence against the victim who has the initials AWP, who comes from Trenggalek Regency, East Java. The four perpetrators, respectively with the initials SBS (19 years), MBM (18), and AA (19) residents of Semen District, Kediri Regency, as well as the initials BYR (18) residents of Tamanan, Mojoroto District, Kediri City. "The perpetrators were charged with Article 170 paragraph (2) to 3e KUHP juncto Article 56 KUHP," added Teddy. Teddy explained, the chronology of this incident occurred when the victim returned from silat training and met the four perpetrators at the crime scene (TKP) on Jalan Inspeksi Brantas, Mojoroto Village, Mojoroto District, Kediri City, last October at around 01.30 WIB.
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After the meeting, the four perpetrators who used motorbikes began to challenge the victim, which resulted in violence. They pulled the victim's hair and beat him until the victim fell and was unconscious after being hit by a pole. "After committing the violence, the perpetrators left the crime scene, while the victim was rushed to Muhammadiyah Hospital for medical treatment. However, on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at around 03.00 WIB, the victim was declared dead," explained Teddy. "The modus operandi of the perpetrators is the existence of each other's gaze which is considered a challenge," he added. In this case, Teddy revealed that a number of evidences had been secured, including footage from CCTV cameras, motorbike vehicles, clothes, cellphones, and various other items.
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