JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo refused to comment regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which granted part of the request for judicial review of laws governing the age of presidential and vice presidential candidates.
"Yes, regarding the Constitutional Court's decision, please ask the Constitutional Court, don't comment on me, please also assess the legal experts," said President Jokowi during a press statement in Beijing, China, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 16.
President Jokowi emphasized that his party did not want to give an opinion on the Constitutional Court's decision which was read out on Monday.
The President assessed that his opinion regarding the Constitutional Court's decision could be misinterpreted because it seemed as if the Head of State was interfering with judicial authority.
"I don't want to give an opinion on the Constitutional Court's decision, later it can be misunderstood as if I interfered with judicial authority," said Jokowi.
اقرأ أيضا:
The Constitutional Court (MK) ensures that someone under the age of 40 can still be nominated as a presidential and vice-presidential candidate as long as he has experience serving as an election result official.
This decision opens up opportunities for Gibran to run in the 2024 presidential election to accompany Prabowo Subianto as he is said to be one of the candidates for vice president.
The Constitutional Court in the lawsuit decision related to the petitum for adding alternative requirements, namely experienced as regional head
"Declare that Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections which states that the age at least 40 years is contrary to the 1945 Constitution as long as it is not interpreted as at least 40 years old or has been / is currently in the position elected through elections including regional head elections so Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections reads that he is at most 40 years old or has been in office elected through elections including regional head elections," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.
It was reported that the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, had responded to the results of the Constitutional Court's decision which rejected the lawsuit for judicial review of the presidential and vice presidential age limits.
Gibran admitted that he did not attend the trial to read the results of the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the lawsuit. The eldest son of President Joko Widodo also admitted that he did not know the results of the decision.
"I don't know about the decision, thank you for finishing the meeting. (I don't know the decision, because I just finished the meeting)," said Gibran as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 16.
Asked about the rejection of the MK on the judicial review of the Election Law regarding the age limit for the presidential and vice presidential candidates, Gibran said there was no need for debate about it.
"Wis is clear, yes (it's finished, yes). Don't keep discussing the Constitutional Court", added Gibran.
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