
JAKARTA - Western intelligence agencies are training Ukrainian sabotizers to launch attacks on Russian nuclear energy facilities, Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin told reporters.

"This has come to a point where Western intelligence agencies are training the Ukrainian sabotage and combat group to attack Russian nuclear energy facilities. This has been confirmed," Naryshkin said on the sidelines of the "53rd meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Council of Heads of Security Agents and Special Services" as reported by TASS October 11.

"Such action has of course been prevented by our intelligence agency. Federal Security Service. Various efforts have been made to cause damage to Kursk, Smolensk and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants. Obviously, it is difficult to maintain contact with Western countries in such circumstances," he added.

Furthermore, Naryshkin pointed out the West used Ukraine to fight Russia, "while the Kyiv regime continues to use terrorist methods openly against Russia and Russia around the world."

"Including terrorist attacks on a number of journalists, writers, and opinion leaders, as well as acts of terrorism against settlements, big and small cities in Russia and civilian infrastructure facilities," continued Naryshkin.

Speaking of terrorist threats coming from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Libya, the Head of SVR noted, the threat is rooted in "illegal pressure and even acts of direct armed aggression by the United States and its allies against these countries."

"However, major developments are taking place in the world moving towards multipolarity, and Russian intelligence agencies maintain extensive interactions and cooperation with special agencies in other countries, particularly in Southern countries, including partners, friends and colleagues at the CIS member state intelligence agency," Naryshkin concluded.

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