
JAKARTA Cases of violence among students often occur in various regions. Various kinds of acts of violence are carried out with revenge motives or just fun. Although it is not uncommon to cause casualties, cases of violence among students need special attention.

Recently, acts of violence among students took place on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. One of the students bought hard water using the pocket money given by his parents amounting to Rp. 25 thousand.

The hard water is used just in case when dealing with opponents or enemies from other schools, on the streets.

As explained by Kelapa Gading Police member Dicky Ardiansyah, MY (18), a student who poured hard water on the victim DH (18) on September 27, admitted to buying the chemicals from the Pulogadung area, East Jakarta.

"I bought Rp. 25 thousand, sir. He said to knock carat in iron, even though I used it to keep on the road when I met nosy students," MY told Dicky at the Kelapa Gading Police Headquarters, North Jakarta, Monday, October 9.

MY said the hydrogen chloride (HCL) type of hard water was prepared on holidays (Sunday night), and stored in the Sluice Dam area, Bendungan Hilir, Central Jakarta.

On the day of the incident, the hard water was taken by his friends, namely MYS (18), DF (17), and MSH (17) after MY was involved in a beating with another vocational high school (SMK) student who was driving on the road in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta.

However, MY was only able to pour the hard water at the face of one of its opposing members with the initials DH (18) when the two groups met again on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, West Kelapa Gading.

As a result, DH's facial skin area suffered 80 percent of hard water splashes, resulting in three stages of surgery for recovery by doctors at Koja Regional General Hospital, North Jakarta.

Head of the Kelapa Gading Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Fauzan Yonnadi, said that DH had gone through one stage of the operation from three that were planned during hospitalization. Now, the process of recovering the victim is carried out by the hospital doctor with outpatients.

"The victim has carried out out outpatient treatment, then the second and third operations will be carried out. According to the doctor's statement, we can explain that almost 80 percent of the face area has serious water splashes, from the area around the eyes and around the mouth," said Fauzan.

Two perpetrators of sprinkling hard water over the age of 17 are subject to Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning severe persecution. The penalty for the perpetrator is five years in prison.

Especially children in conflict with the law who are under 17 years of age, the police continue to take legal action that prioritizes coaching as stipulated in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Law (SPPA).

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