
The police revealed the cause of a series of accidents involving a red Ferrari luxury car with 6 vehicles at the red light at the Senayan Youth Statue Roundabout, Jakarta, Sunday, October 8, at 03.30 WIB.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jhonny Eka said the driver of the Ferrari sports car, driven by RAS, was traveling at a speed of 100 Kilometers (Km) per hour.

"According to the driver's statement, he was sleepy, so when braking, it was at 100 km per hour," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jhonny Eka when confirmed, Monday, October 9.

Regarding the condition of the Ferrari driver whether he was driving drunk, he said that his party was still investigating this matter.

"Still in the process of deepening and further processing," he said.

RAS was named a suspect and charged with Article 310 paragraph 2 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), because he was considered negligent in driving.

"Currently, the examination is but from the article imposed on Article 310 paragraph 2," he said.

In this incident, 3 cars and 3 motorbikes had an accident.

"The accident involved a Ferrari Sedan, Toyota Avanza taxi, Honda Brio, Honda Beat Motorcycle, Benelli Sport, Honda Verz motorcycle," said Jhonny Eka in his statement, Sunday, October 8.

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