
JAKARTA - The presidential candidate (candidate) from the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Ganjar Pranowo met with Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure Kiai Haji Said Aqil Siradj at the Luhur Al-Tsaqafah Jagakarsa Islamic Boarding School, South Jakarta, Thursday, October 5 evening.

The former governor of Central Java for two periods visited the Islamic Boarding School led by Said Aqil Siradj at around 19:48 WIB

Ganjar came with his wife, Siti Atiqoh Supriyanti, using a black SUV number B-1573-DOE.

Ganjar Pranowo's arrival was greeted by hundreds of students from the Luhur Al-Tsaquf Islamic Boarding School accompanied by a hadrah that played the Thola'al Badru Alaina salawat.

Ganjar, who was wearing a batik shirt with his wife, immediately got out of the car and was greeted by KH Said Aqil Siradj along with a number of boarding school administrators.

Ganjar is scheduled to pray in congregation, then stay in touch with the administrators and students.

Previously, Ganjar Pranowo together with scholars and hundreds of students held the Istiqa prayer or asked for rain during the long dry season at the Al Ittihad Islamic Boarding School in Cianjur, West Java, Thursday.

"The problem there is very serious, namely water. Almost in all regions it seems the same because we are experiencing a long dry situation," said Ganjar in a written statement in Surabaya, Thursday, October 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

While at the Al Ittihad Islamic Boarding School, Ganjar had a dialogue and discussed a number of current actual issues with a number of scholars such as Rais Syuriah PCNU Cianjur KH Kamali Andul Ghani, Katib Syuriah PCNU Cianjur KH Pipin S. Aripin, KH Deden Usman, KH Tajul Arifin, KH Ade Ismail, KH Aang Fauzi, his mother, and other boarding school caregivers.

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