MALUKU - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Maluku Province claimed to have carried out the Maluku Bawaslu decision regarding the 2024 election dispute since September 13, 2023.
The dispute is related to the administrative violation of the Maluku PDI-P politician (PDIP), Jimmy Sitanala, who is running as a legislative candidate in the 2024 General Election.
"We have carried out orders on the results of the election dispute hearing according to the verdict read by the Maluku Bawaslu on September 11, 2023," said the chairman of the Maluku KPU, Syamsul Rifan Kubangun in Ambon, Maluku, Tuesday, September 19, which was confiscated by Antara.
According to Rifan, the Maluku Bawaslu decision was followed up based on the mandate in Law Number 7 of 2017, which reads: KPU, Provincial and Regency / City KPU must follow up on the Bawaslu decision no later than 3 days after the verdict is read out.
In the Bawaslu decision, the KPU was ordered to make administrative improvements to the procedures, mechanisms and procedures at the Election stage in accordance with the provisions of the legislation related to the verification process for the candidate.
"This was done by the KPU on September 13. One of them reported to the Indonesian KPU, then also wrote to and conveyed to the Provincial Bawaslu and also the political party concerned," said Rifan.
Rifan explained that the process of announcing the Temporary Candidate List (DCS) had been passed, then received public responses and clarifications.
Later, he continued, there will be further processes related to the dredging of the permanent candidate list (DCT), the preparation of DCT, and the determination of DCT.
"So we'll see in the next process, because there are still three stages that will be carried out from September 28 to November 2023," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
Previously, Maluku DPRD candidate Jimmy Sitanala was dropped in DCS. Jimmy was dropped from DCS for his ex-convict status.
The reason the KPU canceled the PDIP candidate was because it was guided by article 18 which was used by the KPU in the assessment of the reporting document.
The assessment of the document relates to a period of 5 years in prison after the former convict was sentenced. In the Bawaslu decision, after the trial was held on September 11, 2023, the KPU was declared valid and convincing to commit administrative violations of the election.
After that, Bawaslu ordered the Maluku KPU to make repairs to DCS in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations.
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