
JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, supports efforts to expand the rehabilitation site in order to suppress drug users. He assessed that the proposed Military Regional Main Regiment (Rindam) belonging to the TNI as a place for drug rehabilitation could make addicts more quickly regardless of the dependence of these illicit goods.

The proposal for Rindam in every Military Regional Command (Kodam) is one of the locations used for drug rehabilitation to come from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a limited meeting or Ratas regarding the eradication and handling of drugs in Indonesia. Even so, the government will still review the proposal.

According to Puan, Rindam's proposal to be used as a rehabilitation location for drug addicts could be realized. He assessed that the role of the TNI was strategic enough to take part in the rehabilitation program for drug addicts.

"Rehabilitation efforts carried out in Rindam must be seen as a very important step in fighting drug trafficking in the country," said Puan, Tuesday, September 12.

Puan added that the synergy of various stakeholders in eradicating drug trafficking is very necessary. Both from the TNI, law enforcement and related ministries/agencies, including the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), and others.

"It is important to coordinate and synergize between various government institutions, including the TNI, Police, and the Ministry of Health, BNN in carrying out this program so that efforts to stop drug abuse can be effective," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also assessed that the rehabilitation program for narcotics addicts could also be accompanied by the State Defense program initiated by the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan). If the condition of drug addicts is possible, said Puan, they can be introduced to the values of State Defense facilitated by the TNI in Rindam.

The goal of Defending the State is to foster and increase the sense of nationalism, patriotism, and love for the country within every citizen. The hope is that addicts can be separated from drug addiction if they learn from the importance of patriotism, "he explained.

"By being fostered by TNI personnel who have high discipline, we hope that addicts will have the spirit to be able to live better lives and leave drugs," added Puan.

Even so, Bung Karno's grandson reminded the importance of maintaining human rights principles in the implementation of this drug rehabilitation program. Puan said that the rehabilitation process must be based on a humanitarian approach, not just punishment.

"Rehabilitation participants must be treated fairly and get adequate access to health and psychosocial services needed to recover them from drug addiction. Rehabilitation efforts must be carried out humanely," he stressed.

In the economic context, Puan asked the Government to pay attention to the recovery aspect of rehabilitation participants. According to him, drug rehabilitation participants need to be supported so that they can have the opportunity to return to being productive members of the community after undergoing rehabilitation.

"Therefore, the skills training program and the provision of job opportunities must also be an integral part of this rehabilitation plan," said Puan.

On the other hand, Puan also emphasized the urgency of eradicating drugs in the country which must be a priority for the Government. This is because drug cases in Indonesia continue to rise every year.

Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the number of drug cases in Indonesia is 1,184 cases, with the number of suspects as many as 1,483 people in 2021. This number increased in 2022 to 1,350 cases, with 1,748 suspects and 12.4 tons of evidence.

From January to July 2023, it is known that there have been 1,125 drug cases with 1,625 people. Puan encouraged the Government to optimize the drug eradication program.

"Stateistics show that the prevalence of drug use in Indonesia continues to increase, and this is a serious challenge that needs to be overcome with concrete actions," he explained.

"The urgency and escalation of drug problems in Indonesia for drugs is not only a threat to individuals who are entangled, but also endangers the security and stability of the country," added Puan.

Puan also invited all parties to support the Government's efforts to eradicate drug trafficking and carry out rehabilitation programs successfully.

"We all have a responsibility to protect Indonesia's young generation from the dangers of drugs, and collaboration between the government, law enforcement, military institutions, civil society, and the private sector is the key to success in overcoming this drug problem," said Puan.

Not only that, Puan said there are many challenges that must be faced in eradicating drugs. The government in collaboration with the DPR RI and all other elements of the nation are considered to have to unite and prioritize common interests, namely Indonesia's welfare and a better future.

"Let us together support this effort for a brighter future for our generation," concluded Puan.

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