
JAKARTA - The Japanese government carried out the release of radioactive water that had been processed from the destroyed Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima, on Thursday, August 24. Many criticized it, but not the United States government.

The US government, through State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, reiterated its support for the release of radioactive water. They call it safe and transparent.

Miller also said that the US was pleased with the level of transparency shown by Japan ahead of the release.

"Japan has been open and transparent in its efforts to manage the Fukushima Daiichi site and the disposal of processed water responsibly, pro-actively coordinating with scientists and partners from across the Indo-Pacific region as well as with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which concludes that Japan's process is safe and consistent with internationally accepted nuclear safety standards", said the spokesman for the US Department of Foreign Affairs, reported by Yonhap-OANA via Antara.

But the statement comes amid concerns and opposition from neighboring Japan, as well as Japan's fishing population, that the release of processed water into the Pacific Ocean may have an irreversible long-term impact on the environment and humans.

A spokesman for the US Department of Foreign Affairs insisted that Tokyo had been transparent in its decision to release the processed water.

"As Minister Blinken said on August 15, the United States is satisfied with Japan's safe, transparent, and science-based process," he said.

"We welcome Japan's continued transparency and involvement with the IAEA and regional stakeholders," he continued.

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